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1 year ago

All about 0 Euro is nice, debt would be a bad start.

Otherwise, 18+ is too inaccurate, many have only very little to nothing in young years, then they slowly build up, children are a financial incision again and once they live independently and stand in the professional life, it goes back financially, because a source of costs falls away. Until retirement, as income often falls significantly, financial reserves are often gradually decomposed.

1 year ago

What does 18+ mean?

Someone who is 50 should have vieeel more than 18 years old.

At 18 you should have 20k. With 30 maybe 60-80k

If you have a family of 30, you can be less, but in normal cases you should have provided.

Always depends on your own circumstances. I’m going to go restaurant / snack every day. I don’t like cooking, and I just do it when I’m stuck with my girlfriend. But alone? It’s already at his expense. However, if you are noodles with sauce every day you come through with 2€ a day. Is that boring and not so healthy? No question.

So with 19 years I now have a LIQUIDES fortune of nem Notgroschen (about 6k) about 800g gold and a few 100s in the wallet. Everything else of my fortune is needed for other things or is working on it.

1 year ago
Reply to  JalTaparr04

With 18 —> Gymnasium 18k what?

1 year ago
Reply to  DerJens292 These copecs seem to be much value 😀

I said you should have 20k with 18. You know what’s meant, at least make a course for logical thinking.

At 18 you almost finished your training and if you didn’t live about your conditions, 20k will come together. Unless you’re the standard celebration type that doesn’t get torn, you’ve got enough for the driver’s license and you’re looking forward to a branch though you’ve put a bad performance.

1 year ago

Is all the truth I’ve told you if you believe me and take what with you is left to you. I don’t need your confirmation.

1 year ago

Education is much more important to get through well.