Wieviel kostet es einen Weihnachtsmarkt zu veranstalten?


ich habe mich gewundert, wieviel es eine Stadt kostet einen großen Weihnachtsmarkt zu organisieren.

Wisst ihr das zufällig? Und wie nimmt die Stadt damit Geld ein?

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2 years ago

It doesn’t cost the city anything, because it can pay everything from dealers and organizers. So not only money comes in for the city, there are also other sales, by guests who only stay in town because they want to visit the Christmas market.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fuchssprung

Well, the city’s paying for the lighting. The city gets the trade tax from the visitors’ money or holidaymakers.

2 years ago

I think it’s coming back through the standing fees.

2 years ago

The places of the stands cost money. That’s what’s going on in town.

2 years ago

The city puts on it.. a lot of personal costs, garbage cleaning, police, rescue services

Fire department. Electric installations. Planning.

Of the few toads for the stalls, nix remains hanging.

Alone which mess people do with the garbage disposal

Two-day Christmas market Erfurt costs half a million euros | MDR.DE

2 years ago
Reply to  HesslerITCon

You will not get such news from the largest Christmas market in the North.