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I taste my two cats Leo and Mishu in the month with cat food + cat soup + scatter together so between 150€ – 200€.
Unfortunately, I can’t buy large quantities such as 400 grams of cans, as both have feed intolerances and carry different feed, so that I – especially at the Mishu – must take the pouches.
In addition, there are no 200 grams of cans from the feed. Since he is so vulnerable, an attempt to change feed is going to go backwards and forwards so that I have found myself more or less with the current feeding.
Of course, my monthly expenses would be much cheaper, I could buy 400 grams of cans for both together and in bulk containers.
Best regards 🙋 ♀️ +😺 +😺
Love, thank you for the yellow star! 🙂 I’m really happy about it. Greetings to you, DaLi
What are you not wearing?
is absolutely incompatible: Agar, Calamari, gluten, artificial beef flavour, milk (pasteurized), sardine, tuna, lemon,
is mildly incompatible: butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), duck meat, fish flavour, fish oil,Best, oatmeal, chicken meat, chicken flavour, chicken bones, calmar, rabbit, coral flakes, mackerel flakes Rainbow trout, beef, salt, sardine oil, slag oil, pig, sea salmon, seaweed, soybean flour
It’s okay if I leave Mishu because I copy the whole thing from an incompatibility test and still format it here. 😉
Is that what gives you an insight?
My Mishu scratched everything and licked empty. I wanted to know what’s going on in him. He’s very vulnerable.
Leo has eaten Mjamjam pure kangaroo for a while and then tipped it, it was not good for him and he then had an anal gland clot. He lacks additions like potato etc. He needs to be happy and his body healthy.
We didn’t make a test, but thanks to the feed and cortisone the IBD went away as we tried to give something else she came back so and she was happy with the food and why risk
Mishu’s NOCH more! Also often conträr to Leo.
I have had an incompatibility test with both (hair analysis).
Ok that’s a lot, our only carry Mjamjam horse Miamor tuna and all to kangaroo, i.e. all hypoallerge mono proteins
For food I pay between 80 – 120€ per month. Depending on whether I buy the wet food from Animonda or MAC’s. I always order 6x 800g.
Cat litter costs me 30 – 40€ per month. Sometimes enough 3 bags, sometimes I need 4 – 5 bags (per bag it is 18l). In winter it costs me more, as they don’t go outside in the season.
Veterinary costs vary. We don’t go every month. The last time I was in April with one of my hangovers. It cost 998€.
Thank you for your answer:) How many cats do you have?
I have two cats. Both will be 2 years old on Thursday. :
So 60€ for both approx.
With emergency reserves, food, scatter etc. so around the 150€ upwards
About 60€ per month without veterinarian. But my guinea pigs and rabbits cost me twice a month.
I only buy large food bags, cheap wet food and extensive lump litter (long-lived) . Overall, I only come to about 30-40€ per month for 2 cats.
Which one do you hate?
450 feed
50 scatter etc
500 TA means routine check in the month (without new chocolate diagnosis)
For three Katzies
About 200.- on average, I would say, but I don’t know exactly what to say.
I think 100-120 euros a month for our two ranchers.