How many carbohydrates should I consume?
How much should I take if I weigh 100kg and am 198cm tall (on a diet)
How much should I take if I weigh 100kg and am 198cm tall (on a diet)
Hello, Do you measure your weight after eating something or right after getting up (when, of course, you haven't eaten anything yet)? Or does it matter? I always weigh about 2 kg less after getting up.
I'm 14 (f) and weigh 46kg. Because of my eating disorder I've lost a lot of weight, everywhere, in places I never wanted to, and yet my stomach hasn't changed. I was bullied for it for years and that's now my only problem. I go to the gym, eat healthily again, and yet my stomach…
Can cats eat freeze-dried chicken breast fillets for dogs? The ingredients consist of 99% chicken breast fillet and 1% flaxseed oil.
How much should a 600kg warmblood horse get from this feed when doing light work? For light to medium work, 300-400 g per 100 kg of body weight per day. For lower doses, the addition of a mineral feed is recommended.
Mein Vater ist 1.70 und kommt aus Vietnam meine Mutter ist 1.71 und kommt aus Iran. Der Vater von meiner Mutter (mein Opa ) ist 1.90 geworden . Bin aktuell 12 und bin 1.50. Weiß jemand wie groß ich werde? Ich habe Angst das ich unter 1.80 werde.
Carbs are irrelevant.
Cover – 1,5-2g /kg body weight
would recommend about 50-55g fat on your body weight and fill up the remaining Kcal with carbohydrates so that there is still a Kcal deficit.
Eat a lot of proteins in every meal, but the carbohydrates make themselves a bit thicker
Carbs don’t make thick. Carbs = energy, without carbs you can also not burn fat – the amount is decisive and how you best the, I explained you above.
Can you help me a little more accurately, Dad? I don’t really know what you mean and how I can take off now. I want to lose no matter what it costs and that is fast. Fat and something is bad, I don’t understand.