Wieviel km/h mehr mit Sportauspuff?

Guten Tag,

ich habe einen gedrosselten Roller (30kmh).

Ich habe mir nun einen Stage6 Pro Replica Auspuff bestellt.
Wieviel Km/h bringt der Auspuff im gedrosselten und wieviel im offnen (entdrosselden) Zustand.

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5 years ago

A replica has no BE and therefore the BE of your scooter will expire.

5 years ago
Reply to  Scooter019

Then it’s fake or not a replica.

5 years ago

The exhaust is very loud and extremely noticeable. But only to the question. In the performance you won’t notice much, as there’s still a lot to be needed to increase performance. A bigger carburetor, clutch, racing scenario and many other things. These must be precisely tuned so that everything fits together. But just making a sports pot on an Ori scooter is risky and unnecessary.

5 years ago

How would he be throttled? This also has a great impact on performance

5 years ago
Reply to  Scooter019

The exhaust will then accelerate approximately the throttled roller up to 40 max 45, but this will destroy the engine only because it then turns 11000 turns

5 years ago
Reply to  Mcahrevy

The stage 6 per replica is in every case very difficult to tune and throttled takes the potent power additionally when the scooter is water-cooled, you only break the scooter because it then overheated air-cooled keeps that much better off

5 years ago

It’s a terrible thing, except Krach.