Wieviel ist die Münze wert?
Auf ebay sind die für 200 Euro erhältlich
Auf ebay sind die für 200 Euro erhältlich
Hi, ich wollte fragen, ob man diese Münzen bei der Sparkasse eintauschen kann. Fast jede Münze hat einen Wert von 20 €
Jugendstil Ständer möglicherweise für Papier mit 3-facher Abschervorrichtung.
Ich habe diesen besteck Kasten im Nachlass meiner Oma gefunden , es ist unberührt und vollständig. Der Koffer und ich gehe auch davon aus dass das Besteck von BSF ist , allerdings finde ich nirgendwo im Internet diese Art oder Modell . Auf dem Besteck steht 90 und etwas kleines was ich nicht lesen kann…
this normal circulation coin, has strong traces of use and damage.
It is not a misprint and has only the nominal value.
Misprints must be said:
coining course coins is a mass production,
Time is money, there is not great respect for quality, here is mass.
It is simply impossible that the embossing of millions of coins of a value unit, all 100% equal. Therefore, certain tolerance values are established. Since the tools also change/abuse during embossing.
If the tolerance values are significantly exceeded (which are defined), incorrect imprints can occur.
Faulty embossments arise due to errors in the coin image and only, either before or during the embossing process. As a rule, such coins are recognized and sorted out in the embossing institution. But some coins can get into circulation.
All damages or traces of use are not considered to be embossed.
manipulations of the coin are under penalty and the coin is worthless. However, caution is also necessary here, because a lot of manipulated is also required.
The following are considered:
Use of outdated stamps, embossing on false rounds, die rotation, double embossing, fence end, embossing weakness, decentring, double sink, light-wheel embossing, punch cracks, punch breaks, mirror embossing.
The alleged misprints in the portals with fantasies prices can be forgotten. Those who enter such offers must not complain if he finds: I have been pulled over the table.
A better picture would be helpful to at least recognize the number of years…
Sure… there’s actually an offer for 3000 euros. Would everyone take if there was someone to pay that. Don’t worry!
By the way, the lowest Ebay offer is 1 Euro in immediate purchase. Light difference….
Forget about what you’ve read somewhere, especially those stupid deals on Ebay and Co. These offers are of people who live in a completely distorted fantasy world and dream of the constant dream of smart money. As fast as possible to get a lot of money and best not to do anything for it. Using such nonsensical offers as a reference basis is in this case that the worst thing you can do at all.
Apart from that, they are offered at these inconspicuous prices, traded N I C H T and also sell N I C H T, and a value is not long ago. Whether they are sold at all is on a completely different sheet. Everyone can offer his stuff at any fantasy price, including people who have no idea about this topic.
But these are the ones with a lack of pressure. Got it, too. Thought they want a displaced star or a falsely embossed date or something. Do little hope.
Value 1 Euro
at ebay you can also request 1000 €, but nobody will buy it.
This is a very normal, remote 1-Euro piece from Portugal.
Hello RipSalvatore405, 👋
very exact 👉1€. 🥳👍
I doubt it’s so stupid people
will pay for a 1 € coin 200 €. 🤦🏻
LG 🙋🏻
I would say: two hundred €
I’ll buy them for a cent, but you’ll pay the shipment.
You’ll be guaranteed plus make honor.
Just turn around, the value is on the other side.
I offer 1,99€ incl. shipping
Okay. How many do you take?? 😃😃 This is a Euro coin. 🤣
I always see
The exact value is on the other side.
The value is on it. This is a normal Portuguese circulation coin without special value. Even if the one offered by any fun birds on eBay.
This coin is worth 1 euro.