How much H/W/L do 2 budgies need to have (aviary)?
For those of you who are experienced with birds, how much space do two budgies need to be able to move around comfortably?
We want to offer our budgies as much as possible. We looked for a bird aviary on Amazon but weren't sure. We'd read that height isn't as important as width, but we're not sure if that's true.
rather too big than too small. The height is not as important as width and length so they can fly curves
Length 120 cm x depth 50 cm x height 80 cm for 2 eggs
The minimum dimensions for a shaft cage are 100×50×80 (L/B/H). However, I think that is too small. A cage with dimensions 120×80×80 (L/B/H) is likely to be enough if they get free flight every day.
PS: The cage should go to the length and not to the height.Please buy a cage too large than a small cage.