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Depends on where (location / federal state) and who (small company / large group or something in between) you are employed as what (educated profession / unskilled worker) you are.
not working because difficultly disabled
A serious disability does not automatically exclude an employability.
Either you can get a disability pension or social assistance / basic insurance.
How much this would be in your case can either tell you the pension insurance agency or the social office.
Otherwise, there are various disadvantages.
Like free or discounted value mark for trips with the ÖPNV as well as reduced or free admissions to some parks, museums, etc.
If mark B is on your SBA, this often applies to the accompanying person.
How much this is in a concrete sum cannot be said.
In my opinion, however, this is not working
By means of a disability, you can get certain benefits in public life.
More but not.
Not more than others. But you have certain compensation in leisure time, more holidays, etc. But I don’t know more money.
Well, if you’re incapable of work and you’re in a difficult situation, you’re in a bad situation.
Ask your pension and health insurance. I only know the old pension that would be possible. This depends on what’s coming out, what has been paid in.
Then ask at the utilities. But handicap is given to you advantages, but not with payment. With this you have higher points with which your basic pension is multiplied, but there is no more money.
Nix paid in am still very young
As much as your employment contract gives, but not less than 12.41 euros per hour!
if you are incapable of work and are difficult to impede
Probably nothing really much
You can’t say that. Basic pension if you are incapable of work. height depends on different factors,
Possibly still special aids which, however, also depend on the nature and severity of the disability.
and only because one is seriously disabled does not mean that one is incapable of work.
I know, but I already know, and well what
How should I know? I said it was the kind and severity of disability. You’ll have to ask the various offices. But if you have a SChwer disability card, you’ve certainly told yourself where to get some help