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Would say 100€ are already a lot, but speak from student perspective hihi
but of course it also depends on how much food you need (sport, size,..) but if you can afford, I won’t save when eating.
Meat is expensive! Zb veal fillet costs 60€ the kilo or pastrami 55€ etc. but usually buy 500gr
Well, that meat is expensive!
This depends, of course, on how often you go to bars and restaurants. However, if you eat at home in principle, 100 € for a person are much more. It is useful to have a rough meal plan for the whole week. I’m always locating to the ingredients that are still in the refrigerator and only buy the missing ingredients. Thus, I avoid food getting bad and landing in the garbage, but also saving when buying a week.
I like to go to eat, feed me vegetarian, cook but also like to and stand alone. 100€ is about what I eat as a 20 year old, slightly sporty person per week. It’s a lot, but I personally don’t care about quality and don’t get caught. You can see that at the end of the month hahha.
100,-€ is only justified if the person wants to increase and eats organic products. Otherwise 25,-€ to 35,-€ per week
100€ per week for drinks and food… I have this for 2 adults + 1 teenager. And 2-3x per week eats another 4th person.
This is realistic and suitable for a low average income.
Thank you
Too much, I only have a maximum of 30-40 euros a week, 120 euros a month,and save 200 euros every month.
Then you don’t eat meat
but, chicken,with mhd date last day,at Lidl giant chicken whole costs 3.80 Euro 3 kilo.
also at Turks, all cheaper much more beautiful, without Zw dealers.
Fruits and vegetables you have to get from the market (is with us every Wednesday and Sunday), is much cheaper than in the super-mact
In seriousness, I even make with incl.Bio Hamburgers real,also reduced.Buy everything with search and know when about the mhd date ends,the day I go to shopping.Hat never hurt me.Bread from the day 50%reduced.Käse Wurst uvm. 30% reduced.Only fruits are cheap.
If you really spend 30-40€ a week and the meat is not missing at lunch, then hat off
It would be a lot for me. I might need 40€ a week for food and drink. But I never go to eat, but cook at home.
just like me, you can also live saving
With 40€ per week you can’t eat meat and I don’t want to eat pasta or potatoes every day
What are you doing? Of course I can eat meat.
Do you know how much veal fillet costs or pasterami?? Like chicken does not always go
How much?
WTF so much I have in a month!
Since everything has become so expensive, it has been between 120 and 140, but certainly not 400€
I come with 400 euros for almost 3 months to eat, all at home I mean.
I’m still counting on my cat food, it’s also going under food. Never calculated this without my hangover. Order about every 2-3 months for about 40-60€. They’d have to be pulled off the money.
with 30€ per week you do not eat defenitive meat then
No, not more. Meat is special, I can’t afford it. Sometimes I buy chop in the offer and then spaghetti sauce is made out, then frozen together with noodles and if necessary soaked up, but round about consists here a lot of quark with potatoes, rice, pasta and bread.
If I have anything left, I’ll buy some meat, but then rather at the farmer’s place where I can estimate the attitude. Last time, the sausages were so expensive that I halved them. 10 sausages were frozen. From time to time, when the lentil soup gives, a piece of sausage comes into the stew. The quality of the meat is indescribable. Can’t be compared to the stuff offered at the supermarket. At the end the pan has full water and the meat is only half as large. Then I’d rather spend a little more and have some business.
Cats are true lucky charms,and our best friend,I love the cats more than the dogs.
I can’t imagine a meal without meat. but for that you feed healthy 😉
Well, even the cat food has become more expensive and he doesn’t get garbage in the bowl. Sometimes the money is quite scarce. Come on cat litter, treats etc.
Okay, that’s not too much, but you’re really great.
Yes, I would say 200€ a month if you only cook at home
Depends on your requirements. And yes, it is.
We need about two in the month. 250 to 300 euros for food, incl. Beverages…. Cleaning products, detergents, showerware even more.
It’s a lot.
Maximum 50 Euros per week.
Is meat included in the price?
Never! Often only on Sunday. Then I don’t have to pay for it, just prepare it.
A cauliflower is significantly more expensive than a carving. It’s definitely not on meat.
You see. with me meat must be there at every lunch, so I give twice as much as you are.
I think 100 euros a week for 1 person for food and drinks are neither much nor little, but appropriate.
The single has only 500 euro a month: Yes clearly too much.
if he has 5000 euros: please be happy.
But in the whole, there is no need:
It’s got to fit the finances.
You can spend less, but you can also spend more.
I have more than 500€ available, about 2400 depending on the surcharges
What do you give out a week
I’ve never thought of it since. It is, however, very different. But I think it’s less. not because I have to, but simply because it is. I don’t mind.
A 10ner per day
If you eat a lot of meat, it’s never enough
I don’t have any problems with 40-50. What are you buying from 100€?
Meat is expensive zb..
Try one day or several days a week without meat
Yeah, well, if you’re a lot of meat, that’s clear
Not much.
That’s not true if you buy expensive stuff Yes.