Wieviel Geld für Fotos verlangen?

Ich habe heute eine Anfrage von einer Werbeagentur erhalten. Es sollen Bilder von mir aufgenommen werden für die Werbung eines österreichischen Finanzdienstleisters. Die Fotos sollen dann für ein Jahr on und offline in Österreich benutzt werden (U-Bahn, Plakate in Filialen etc.)

Da ich bisher soetwas noch nie gemacht habe und die Fotos ja auch schon gut von dem Unternehmen verwendet werden bin ich mir unsicher was ich dafür verlangen kann. Was wäre denn so branchenüblich bzw. wieviel kann ich ungefähr verlangen? Was wäre definitiv berechtig und was zu viel?
Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe

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1 year ago


you are the “face” of the Kampange or just “work”.

Typically, fees depend on prominence, edition/pageviews, duration of use, rights of use.

In DACH, the catalogue of the Mittelstandsgemeinschaft Foto-Marketing and the courts also do so.


The list is also available at Verdi and Freelens and in principle has every photographer.

Knackpunkt is the photographer tries to negotiate a good deal so sell as well as buy cheaply. If you want to do a good cut as a model, you need an agent or an agency. There are also nice/faire photographers

1 year ago


I worked as an advert. The budget determines the client in most cases. You will then pay for the agency and the rest. You can not determine the price as a performer/model. This is the agency. They know best with the prices.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maxidiemeax

A Statist / Comparse gets about 80 / 90 euros for a movie, for photos in the form you should make for the entire project you already require 500 euros. Because you also have travel expenses and other things.

1 year ago

So you’re the model?

The hourly rate is thus between 30 and 100 Euro plus arrival, departure, hotel if necessary and fare and Logis.

Thinking when the ne professional agency makes a gage of 60 euros per hour realistic.

You have to negotiate your usage rights contractually if you don’t want your face to be used for other purposes.