Wieviel gehalt bei 30 std woche/bürojob?
Hallo zusammen.
In moment geh ich eine 20std woche. Möchte jedoch 30std aufstocken.
Meine Vorstellung wären. 2200 brutto ein netto von ca 1700 €.
Möchte wissen, ob das Gehalt gerechtfertigt ist.
Ein Vergleich wäre schön.
Vielen Dank
Always these net comparisons. Gross salary is paid. The net results, for example, from personal situation (St. Kl.)
If you work 20 hours/week before, the salary will be half (50%) higher at 30 hours/week than at 20 hours/week.
Depends on what you do. Is there jobs that is justified and there are jobs there is such a salary is not justified.
You can’t say that so easily, it depends on the specific job, your training and experience and also on the place, you should be more concrete.
Depends on how old you are, training what you do in the office…
But in principle it sounds within the framework.
I’ve been working for 20 years. Have a commercial training and I’m virtually cross-adapter to the profession.
Make bills with health insurance etc.
I was trying to write that the salary was a little deep, but as a cross-editor it should fit, I think.
Take your current salary, share it by 2 and multiply it by 3. Then you have what you’re looking for.
Approx. 2700 full-time, which is very little at current prices and inflation. Incomprehensible why people still have so little to eat, especially in office work where you usually have to be very well trained.
Office is not necessarily equal with high qualification or training.
I’ve been working for 20 years. Have a commercial training and I’m virtually cross-adapter to the profession.
Make bills with health insurance etc.
Fits for commercial training