How many applications and how many interviews did you need to get your next job?


I'm slowly losing my mind. I returned from parental leave a few months ago and have been applying meticulously ever since. I previously worked on a temporary basis in the public sector and am now applying mainly for positions in the public sector again, but not exclusively. My CV is colorful. I have three degrees, have had three jobs of 1.5-2 years each, always on temporary projects and always in good positions. I have been invited to interviews eight times out of 25 applications. The feedback on my CV and what I said in the interview has actually always been pretty good. Sure, sometimes the spark doesn't fly, but three interviews were also really great on a personal level. Despite that, I haven't received an offer yet (two are still open, but I'm not feeling so good about them). I have to say that I always prepare to the bone and drive myself crazy because I only apply for positions I really want. I also know what I want and can explain it well. Now I'm afraid that this rigidity will come across in the interview—especially since all the preparation time means I can spend so little time with my child. But I desperately want and need a job. With my unemployment benefits (ALG1) and my partner's parental allowance, it's thin.

How did it go for you? Do you have any tips? I've also had some application coaching…

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1 year ago

I myself am still in my first job with 20 years that I am old but if I would change my job or in your position I would simply appear confident and wait if I had achieved this because so long the message still stands out you should not let the head hang

1 year ago

So I find a really good cut for 25 applications 8 interviews.

Don’t be so crazy. It’ll be fine. Maybe you’re thinking about training in public service. Then you will not only be set in time.