Wieviel auf das Vorstellungsgespräch “üben”?
Hallo,ich habe in 2 Tagen ein Vorstellungsgespräch (Ausbildung) und wollte wissen wie viel ich denn eigentlich dafür lernen sollte.Also vor ein paar Tagen bis heute habe Ich mir schon ein paar Gedanken gemacht, antworten generiert,paar Videos durchgegangen und natürlich auf diversen Websiten mir dazu was angeguckt. Nur weiß ich nicht ob es besser ist mit moderater Vorbereitung dort hinzugehen(mein erstes Vorstellungsgespräch) ,oder ob ich mir so ziemlich alle Fragen andchauen soll und dafür die möglichst beste Antwort finden. Ich glaube lezteres ist nicht so top,weil man in der ganzen Aufregung sowieso das meiste vergisst und auch so dann etwas künstlich wirkt.
Was meint ihr ?
Finally, you should convince with your personality and your motivation for the job. But of course… preparation must also be.
In so far… I would definitely look at two points at your place, namely, on the one hand, the company you are applying to and on the other hand the profession you are applying to.
Someone who has no idea about the contents of the professional field on which he applies simply does not make a good impression. I would also look at the company and why you chose exactly DIESES company for you.
So, in the end, prepare yourself for the questions: Why this job? and Why with us?
If you have any vulnerabilities in the certificate, the chances are also not bad that is being asked. So you should prepare an answer.
Otherwise… the typical strengths and weaknesses… consider what to the question where your weaknesses are and how you’ve been dealing with them in the past (the question is what you’re going to do with your weaknesses?), then consider what strengths you could bring into operation.
The questions are asked in different variants, it is important to understand what they want.
These are the bloody basics, I think.
You usually don’t have to look at ALL questions… clearly, there can always be something you didn’t explicitly practice, but ultimately you just want to look ‘Are you motivated for the job/training?’ or “Do you fit us into the team?’
As the conversation goes, unfortunately, it’s always an individual thing… it can also be that it doesn’t work between you and you just don’t fit to the operation or feel enormously uncomfortable.
That’s not a shame! Sometimes it doesn’t fit. To find out OB it’s just that conversation.
And, as someone said at my last interview, “This day is not only there to get to know you, but also to get to know us.”
So if you should go out with the thought: I’d start NIE, no matter what, that’s all right.
All love and success I wish you:)
What do you think would be a meaningful answer to the question where my weakness lies (and whether they have already become a peril to me)
Take a weakness you really have and tell how you’ve been dealing with it.
For example, presentations at school, as you have always practiced and practiced, and have also taken on such a voluntary basis, just to find the exercise. And today you can say: It’s okay.
It’s not your favorite thing and it’ll never be… but you have increased so that you can take a presentation if necessary.
This is just a very fast example for a rough construction.
(a) The weakness
(b) Where it affects you
(c) What you did about it or what you have done to tackle weakness
(d) What it brought you or where you are now
To “impact”… it’s always hard in my eyes because it’s so extreme. It was never ideal, but ideally, you’re going to be so natural before it becomes a pity.
And if you can’t prevent it… it’s unfortunate and you’re disappointed at the first moment, but you realize from failure, of course, also where the problems lie and then you’re trying to fix them
Thank you
Be polite, honest and speak with clear words. Be yourself….
You seem pretty busy. Don’t make too much else you make yourself nervous. It is always good if you can justify why this special company/place is interesting for one. Everything else comes spontaneously. Good luck!