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2 years ago

MDMA releases happiness and pours out serotonin and dopamine. As negative feelings, such as social fears slide into the background. In addition, people are very open to MDMA and are less reserved. This makes the person perceived as self-confident

2 years ago

because one forgets his problems and they convey the feeling of strength and self-confidence. in the brain certain hormones are spilled out, which are called serotonin (luck and reward hormones) and these are immediately absorbed by the nerve cells under normal circumstances but MDMA, ecstasy etc. block this process

2 years ago

I don’t know 100% now, but MDMA is pouring out dopamine among others, and dopamine has a self-confident effect

2 years ago

MDMA only increases self-confidence in the course of action. After that, it cracks, sucks and eats self-confidence (not seldom with regular MDMA use).

2 years ago

Substances are anxious