Wieso wird um Weihnachten so eine Riesen Wirbel gemacht?
Schon im Oktober gibts Weihnachtskram zu kaufen, ab November wird man mit Werbung zugemüllt, nahezu jeder unterwirft sich dem Konsumzwang. Das kostet Geld und erzeugt Stress und dann soll noch alles dekoriert und ein Festtagsmenü gekocht werden usw. Jene, die sich das nicht leisten können, fühlen sich schlecht. Andere fühlen sich schlecht, weil sie das alles mitmachen. Manche machen Schulden, manche sind von den Geschenken enttäuscht, manche streiten dann zu Weihnachten, es kommt auch zu Gewalt. Menschen, die keine Angehörigen mehr haben, werden durch diesen Weihnachts-Wirbel noch mehr ins Abseits gestellt. Menschen, die sich dem Wahnsinn entziehen wollen, werden gedisst. Dann gibts noch jede Menge Stromverbrauch für sinnlose Beleuchtung und Müll. Warum machen wir das alles mit? Was hat denn das alles mit Weihnachten zu tun?
There are some people among industrial magnates who still feel poor when they have billions on the high edge and have made record sales in the last quarter. They’re just insatiable. — Have you ever thought about why Santa Claus has the colors of Coca Cola, red with white applications?
For this reason, they take the annunciation of Christmas to the occasion of vigorously stirring the advertising drum so that they can swirl even more coal. And consumers like to be lured by the beautiful advertising slogans, because they do not want the industrial magnates to be nagged on the famine cloth — bullshit, they just don’t want to be stupid when it comes to who made the most expensive gift.
Christmas has long been not a Christian festival, but one for retail. And so that sales are correct, the Christmas men, domino stones, speculatius and gingerbread are launched in August. In February the Easter items will come.
So it has long been a celebration that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It’s just the slaughtering of another chance to get more profit out for a while.
Once a year, we try to pretend everything’s okay with us and the world out there. It is of course a gigantic illusion – but once a year we are allowed to allow ourselves this dream of a healing world, together with all that we love. Before and after, everyday life is brutal and mean enough. Don’t you think?
Maybe. But those who, for various reasons, cannot join (can) are further excluded.
It’s called tradition. But everyone can celebrate as much as he wants or not even celebrate if he doesn’t like it. I cove with my family every year and find it good. We also have a little Christmas decoration, we make a cremation and there is a goose with knocks
Traditional consumer festival.
You shouldn’t be celebrating Easter or a birthday.
You don’t have to celebrate if you don’t want to. I don’t think it’s exaggerated if you cook a good meal at Christmas and spend time with the family.
Easter and birthday at least don’t look like that. But you can also leave the mandatory.
I’m just going for Christmas. And do not be dismayed or feel harassed by the joy of others.
Christmas is like a big deal for many. There’s a lot of money behind the glitter and the wrong smile. The industry wants you to loosen coal, and people are playing. Everyone wants the greatest gift, the most chic decoration, the most expensive food.
And who doesn’t play? He’s gonna be sloping. But honestly, this has nothing to do with the real meaning of Christmas, right? It’s about cohesion, joy, family – not to get coal out and then to blame. But of course, some use this to fill their bags. And those who can’t or do not want to swim? They feel like outsiders.
At the end of the day, it’s a kind of show where everyone has to play, whether he wants or not. It’s a farce. And if you get rid of it, you’ll be slapped. But ey, who says you have to follow this game? It’s your life and your decision.
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I love all this, point. I don’t think I’m so negative about what you’re talking about, it’s part of it and I’m happy to do it.
And there should be some more people who make it because of faith
You love the ALL? Incl. dispute, waste, etc.?
There is no dispute with us. And rubbish makes man like that or something, then once a year you have at least for good reason
My entire Christmas lighting consumes less electricity than a light bulb.
Otherwise, it’s up to everyone to do it or not. Easter I find much worse, the first garbage will be put into the shops right after New Year, even if Easter falls at the end of April. Winter does not seem to exist, there is spring immediately.
It is also a Christian and Germanic festival and has nothing to do with consumption.
Turnover 💰
money money money money