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1 year ago

2.Person Singular and plural

In German there is a family and a formal address. The family address “you are“We use with family members, with all children up to the age of 16/17, with friends and very good friends, mostly among sports friends, often also in the profession among colleagues. We formally talk to foreign adults “You“.

When and whether you go from “you” to “you”, that is left to each individual. Some people feel more comfortable with the friendly “you”, others prefer the more confidential “you”. However, there are also occupations and sports, as you will and other professions and sports, as they are people always, and only when individuals gradually get closer to each other, one (mostly the elder) offers the other the “du”.


  1. Hello Petra, I got it You long not seen. War you on holiday? How we do You and of Family?
  2. Day Simone, hello Hans, I got it You long not seen. Wart you on holiday? How we do You and yours Children?


  1. Tag Frau Meier, I have You long not seen. Goods You on holiday? How we do You and of Family?
  2. Day Mrs Meier, day Mr Meier, I have You not seen long. Goods You on holiday? How we do You and Your Children?

Usually you learn these forms at the beginning of a German course. Didn’t that happen to you? This is very important for the correct social interaction.

The You-Anrede (in all declinated forms) applies to the singular and the plural. You write all forms always big. So this address is also easy to distinguish from “they” (3rd person Singular feminum) and “they” (3rd person complete plural).

1 year ago
Reply to  spanferkel14

Everything’s right. Unfortunately, the FS has not given any context, and according to my observation, the false spelling is today also a popular error in texts.

1 year ago
Reply to  Traconias

I assumed that the FS is wondering that there is a big deal at “they”. Maybe you would have to write him a complete conjugation scheme or lead corresponding grammar links.

You’re right. Here on GF, few users make this mistake. But there are incredibly many and also incredible 😲 spelling mistakes made anyway. I’ve never seen anything like that before!

1 year ago
Reply to  spanferkel14

It’s mostly bullets.

1 year ago
Reply to  rhavin

It’s mostly bullets.

🤣You love to joke.

1 year ago
Reply to  spanferkel14

I write speeches in general. Also in the sentence.

1 year ago

Good morning,

it is an address. Talks are always written big. Zb also “Ihr Office” “Sie have…” etc.etc. 🙂


1 year ago
Reply to  HerrVonWissen

Talks are always written big

It is necessary to distinguish between the various speech pronouns and that it is not possible to say that in principle all the speeches or speeches I would like to thank the rapporteur for his report.

1 year ago

True! Thank you for your clarification. LG

1 year ago

If it’s an address, “your” is written big, e.g.

Treat yourself to more atmosphere in your office.

However, today it is a popular typing error that “your.” to write big even if there is no address:

I met my friend in Ihrem office. <= wrong, but unfortunately often.

1 year ago
Reply to  Traconias

Probably a refugee error: daS “You.”

1 year ago

The Duden makes this wrong nowadays, here is how it was right: there is definite and indefinite address in the Scriptures; in the conversation you notice this about the emphasis and minik/gesics:

“You’re broken” -> General statement you’re someone.
“You’re broken” -> Judged statement that you are *You* of an equal approach.

“There they run.” -> anyone, 3. Person Plural
“There you are running.” -> Formal address, you are meant to be denounced by a subordinate.

“We sat in her office.” -> anyone, 3. Person Plural Genitiv.
“We sat in your office.” -> Formal address, you are meant to be spoken by a subordinate. Here in the genitive.

Please, let him go: -> General statement that he is anyone.
Please, He may go: -> Judgment that He is *You*, addressed by a higher.

1 year ago
Reply to  rhavin

It’s mostly nonsense. I’m sorry, but I can’t say anything else. You’re confusing a lot, even if you’re talking earlier.

1 year ago
Reply to  rhavin

“You’re broken” -> Judged statement that you are *You* of an equal approach.

That’s not right. You, You, Your since the reform of the legislative reform (which is a large-scale of the word “du” that is not used as noms Total had been abolished) in letters approved again, but only there!

§ 66,

E: In letters can be the speech pronouns you and you with their posessive pronouns also largebe written: Dear friend, I write You/Dir this letter and send dir:DI eure/Eure images …

There it is: Writer. Rules edited 2018.pdf

1 year ago
Reply to  Koschutnig

Don’t come to me with the idiots of the Duden editorial, who don’t even realize at the backbone that it has to be “the” and not “the” grotto.

1 year ago
Reply to  rhavin

For God’s sake, there’s no bite, what you’re writing, it’s going to get me dizzy.

1 year ago

“Mr Müller, a customer is waiting in your office.” (Mr Müller is addressed directly.)

That’s Mrs. Müller. There’s no customer waiting in her office. (Mrs. Müller is not addressed. It’s a description.)

1 year ago

With a direct address, just like “you” is raised when I talk to someone directly.

1 year ago

Because you write all forms of the speech pronoun big everywhere.

1 year ago

The courtesy and appreciation.

1 year ago

If it’s meant as an address, it’s written like “you”. In the past, all the address pronouns were big, so also you, you, your etc.

1 year ago

It’s a speech in courtesy.
“In her office” talks of several office owners,
would not be an address: “My colleagues feel
in her office.” Address: “How do you feel in your office?”