Wieso wird bei Straßenbau eine Abdeckung gelegt?
Hallo Zusammen,
hier wird gerade die Straße erneuert und es wurde eine Abdeckung auf die Erde gelegt. Das habe ich sonst nie gesehen. Normalerweise würde man die Erde bedecken un zu vermeiden, dass Sonnenlicht Gras wachsen lässt. Aber, bei Straßen dachte ich mit den ganzen Schichten kommt nix durch.
Weiß jemand ob es einen anderen Grund geben könnte?
Danke im Voraus.
Probably that nothing gets wet in rainfall
So it doesn’t get wet under the road when it rains?
To the built. When it’s fresh
the foil must have another reason. any covers. I’m still missing something for the load capacity.
This could be a so-called geotextile. There are various reasons why this is being used. In this case probably as a separating layer. If, for example, a gravel substructure for asphalt or plaster is installed, it is possible to remove it cleanly in the future without the material being mixed with the soil below it.
At least in theory. In practice, the flow only ensures higher disposal costs if the road becomes the next time again. Because you will probably build a soil-scotter-geotextiel mixture. This then becomes quite expensive in disposal.
I thought, too, but for that, the substructure is not sufficiently deep and also vague.
Thus, the material applied would not be weaved by rainwater or the wind. 1
Prevent root eruptions or at least delay