Wieso werden Trennungen so verteufelt?

Mir wäre es viel lieber gewesen wenn sich meine Eltern schon früher getrennt hätten denn dann gibt es weniger Streit und so weiter wenn man sich nicht mehr versteht sollte man trennen aber ich finde die Aussage dass man nur wegen den Kindern zusammen bleibt völliger Quatsch das schadet den Kindern nur.

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1 year ago

Separations are very bad for the children’s psyche. I read an article that cost me 20 minutes of my life. But the knowledge was very rich. Almost all things in the article met or hit me. It is very bad for the psyche and development, because the children need both parents.

Disputed parents are also bad for the psyche. You have to choose the little one.

1 year ago

Well, most people don’t make a break. The power of habit, dependence, fear of the unknown future etc. It’s not always because of the kids.

In addition, in fact, outsiders often feel the partnership of others worse than it is for the affected themselves.

1 year ago

Separations ensure that both partners are mentally destroyed and may fall into addiction problems. Divorced parents also hurt the children, as I and my psychological friends can always prove new.

But sometimes separation is the only way. You should be careful when choosing your own partner.

1 year ago

I’m right to you. I experienced the same thing. Only that my parents have separated at the end and it was the best for them and for the children and for the relationship of all to each other.

It’s just you that it doesn’t work so often. If they already have problems in marriage, many of these problems also contribute to the separation. When children are involved, everyone can just walk away because you always have a couple of parents and therefore always have to communicate with each other, have to make joint decisions, have to pay the others, see events or at handovers etc.

Some people tend to revenge and use the children to wipe out the ex-partner. Some never manage to restore their own needs for the good of the children. They react personally insulted when the child has fun with the other parent. Then make a bad knowledge (you prefer him/her rather than me), talk sneaks from the other peasant etc.

A separation CAN potentially make the life of the children worse.

1 year ago

Of course you shouldn’t be so easy to separate. After all, one has praised to keep together in good and bad times.

Even if you can’t flatter it. but being beaten by the partner, persistently humiliated or seriously deceived, these are not bad times. that’s more!