Wieso werden manche Frauen nach der Karenz gekündigt?
Meine Karenz ist seit Anfang des Jahres aus.. meine Chef nahm mich wieder auf . Heute musste ich ins Büro es wurde mir mitgeteilt da keine Arbeit ist (viel zu wenig zu tun) besser wäre wenn wir das Dienstverhältnis beenden. Ja es stimmt es ist nicht viel zutun aber habe gegoogelt das man jemanden 4 wochen nach der karenz kündigen kann aber wieso werden viele gekündigt ?
If there is no work there is no one there. If no more is to be expected and the operation may be it is normal that workers are released.
And within the Karenz there is probably a dismissal protection, so that you may make the decision clearly beforehand but the person can only terminate Karenz after the end.
Well, I have already been very happy to come back:( was even slightly there during the carnival.. that makes me infinitely sad as I have been there since 2019. It also makes me great fear to be unemployed and now to stand with small children.. Also my boss was someone I could talk to when something was he went on me today is that rare.
Let’s get out of a plant where so many people are occupied that it’s running around.
Now someone falls through the Karenz for two years, then you have to get someone as a substitute.
After two years, the person comes back, now one is too much… because you prefer to throw out the one who has come back…