Wieso werde ich dafür gehatet, dass ich Veganer bin?

Hier auf Gutefrage

Ich verstehe es nicht. Ich hab noch nie jemanden missionieren wollen. Ich finds zwar nicht gut wenn Leute Fleisch und tierische Produkte essen, aber ich kann’s ja eh nicht ändern. Und deswegen fang ich nie eine Diskussion an zu dem Thema.

Aber ich werde dafür richtig hier tot gehatet, nur weil ich sage, ich hab Mitgefühl mit Tieren und kann das weder ertragen noch unterstützen was die Massentierhaltung macht.


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6 months ago

Food is trendy and popular. Through my diet, I show my personality.

Eating is an important ethical issue and expresses the desire of a new generation to show an attitude through diet.

Trends are responses to problems and challenges.

The vegans are even harder on it than the vegetarians to refuse everything that is not exclusively vegetable when eating.

My grandfather is still not a big meat eater. But the Sunday roast is something he knows and appreciates.

Meat is something special, that should not be given every day. It must also be good meat. At that time we were still slaughtered.

But what my grandfather has experienced in all the last few years was the whole opposite of conscious handling of the animals.

It was conventional mass animal husbandry, poor feeding and extreme value loss due to far too high meat consumption.

What does it look like today? Thanks to conscious eater food is again en vogue.

Conflicts and dietary styles that are still so different lead to considering what qualities there are in addition to the massive available ones, visibly in the resolute discussion about animal welfare labelling.

6 months ago

But I’m going to get dead right here just because I’m saying I have compassion with animals

Sure? I have not noticed yours, nor yours, when I filter by the word “vegan”.

One once said that it was not interested and that it was just a trend. That’s all I could do. “Deathhated” sounds a little different for me now.

The simplest explanation for me would be that this may not be as bad as you perceive it (or feel).

Many are also simply suffering because they simply don’t care what anyone eats or not, but that is still thematized by some.

6 months ago

That explains well these Meme:

In principle, people know their behaviour is wrong. But they manage to displace it as long as they are not really reminded by a person. If this happens, naturally the urge to take action against this person arises. But in fact, hatred is not directed against the person, but against his own misconduct or the lack of willingness to change it.

6 months ago

Good question, “Why am I going to cry for being a vegan?”

So I don’t need to answer you because I don’t hate the vegans. Still, I’ll do it with a story from Grandma’s times.

The Christmas Goose Auguste

Mr. Löwenhaupt buys a goose that is more than quick-being, and because it was only November, she gets a grace period and sleeps in the basement in a kist. The kids find it wonderful, it’s so nice with her.

They are even baptized on Auguste: if she has only warmer! Oh, can’t she go to Peter’s bed? The Christmas goose Auguste, Auguste, is to be on the festive table.

The Christmas goose Auguste, Auguste, is so beautifully fresh, so fresh, and something you have to do for the hearts: “Lat mi in Ruh ́, lat mi in Ruh’. I will in min Truh’ want in min Truh’, lat mi in Ruh’, lat mi in Ruh’.

You like to walk with Gustje, and everyone is familiar with her. At the same time, Papa Löwenhaupt dreams about the Christmas scarf with fruit and herb, the question is if he dares.

He’s throwing the knife, grabing the goose, causing it, and taking tears. “The pack of sleeping pills can be – we mix them in their porridge! Then it’s over with the goose!”

The Christmas Goose Auguste, Auguste, she doesn’t want to go to the table. The Christmas goose Auguste, Auguste she is so beautifully fresh, so fresh, and something you have to do for the heart. “Lat mi in Ruh, lat mi in Ruh! I will in min Truh ́, will in min Truh ́!”

Oh, the family is so sorry! Who comes trembling? Smooth, without feather. “Oh, look like Auguste is freezing!”

They work fast and refined. Auguste loves the sweater very much, soon she goes up and down again. “No, we never give Gustje!” The best goose ever! How sweet the dad has!

The Christmas Goose Auguste, Auguste, is now sitting at the table.

6 months ago


Why am I going to go for being a vegan?

If you do not try to mission other people, you will not be overshadowed with hatred and/or pity.

…just because I say I have compassion with animals

I also have compassion with animals, so I’m not attacked. I don’t see you either. You say in a comment that one would have fought against you under one of your questions. I can’t confirm that. Maybe I missed it. However, what I have seen is that you have tried to discuss with others and other users have explained to you that they have at least partially, other views. With hatred and/or pussy, I don’t see any similarities.

The opposite is the common practice here. Militant, radical vegans fight against anyone who feeds himself normal and healthy. It is even attempted to represent a healthy, varied diet as unhealthy, harmful, toxic and worse… There we are in the area of Hetze.

Happy You… and stay healthy

Greeting, RayAnderson 😉

6 months ago

I’d never hate a vegan – except he’s on my nerves with this habit. I’m not going around and preaching to everyone to eat meat.

6 months ago
Reply to  LeviRaverBoy

Nobody said that.

6 months ago

Are you saying that antiracists are annoying? That feminists’ nerves? Why are you annoying people who work for a good thing? Because you’re part of the problem. Got it

6 months ago
Reply to  Klaranlage

All the people who want to express my opinion that I don’t share, bother me. I am old enough and mature enough to make my opinion myself. There such people just walk against a wall with me 🙂

6 months ago

I have been able to experience it myself as an apprentice, I was often inflicted by the skilled workers that you should eat 2-3x meat in the week at the main meal times, I at the time like to eat oatlocks with cherries and yogurt or something so you were directly considered a vegetarian there and I think the same is going through vegans right now.

As the 2nd point comes that in some circles Vegan is his hip. What I don’t understand, you should do it if you’re already convinced.

Unfortunately, meat is considered to be the cure and if you are different you will get it off. You’re not going to be able to do anything but ignore or make arguments. Because then you will notice very quickly that on the other hand the arguments become thin.

6 months ago

Vegan will be lacking in knowing about agriculture and lacking willingness to differentiate.

Then one no longer distinguishes between much and little but knows only 100% or 0%

6 months ago
Reply to  wickedsick05

What exactly is the damage to agriculture in vegan nutrition?

6 months ago
Reply to  KinkyBat

Where’s that from?

6 months ago

In other words, where do vegans lack knowledge about agriculture? And what impact should that have?

6 months ago

Why am I going to go for being a vegan?

“And that’s why I never start a discussion on the subject.”

You have 28 questions, and this is your 5th vegan question.

On the other hand, you gave 104 answers in the 4 days of your membership, 3 of them on the topic of Vegan.

You have only received positive responses to these 3 answers, and not a single comment. Consequently, no negative.

I don’t think you’ve been shaved for your Vegan answers. You seem to feel that way.

6 months ago
Reply to  LeviRaverBoy

I wanted to see where the hatred was supposed to be. I didn’t even find anything about the hotel question. Most likely that you can’t expect vegan food for cheap money.

And the search function makes counting easy.

6 months ago
Reply to  DerJens292

I had the same impression when I looked more closely. 😄

6 months ago

If there’s nothing else, vegans should eat meat themselves.

… as far as possible and practically feasible… apparently does not give a vegan ice there.

Veganism has quite different contradictions, because it doesn’t bother if 1 single vegan eats 1 serving of ice, where not 100% vegan.

6 months ago

It’s easy – don’t always mention that you’re a vegan.

As soon as you mention that you are a vegan, people remember all the annoying and obstetric vegans who have been on their nerves.

We had a question here: someone was invited to an ice cream store and wanted to know if there are vegan ice cream there. I wouldn’t do that in your place. It will scarcely kill you once to eat an ice cream that is not vegan. But as soon as you make a huge uprising, if you don’t get a Vegan dish, you’ll feel a lot more energized.

I personally respect vegans even if I can’t understand.

Also I am an adversary of mass animal husbandry but not of meat consumption as such. In my opinion, low-meat diet is correct.

6 months ago

Honestly, I don’t know it’s supposed to be like that.

Animal-free food is really trendy.

People in Germany are feeding more and more vegans.

This is seen in the increased selection of vegan food in discounters. Also in cities where more and more restaurants serve vegan food.

I’m a “everything eater” myself, but that’s why I don’t hate the vegans.

My motto: Let life and live.

6 months ago

Because people feel attacked (always).

6 months ago

Because many omni being alone by someone feeding themselves vegan already feeling attacked.

6 months ago

Then ask why they have you.

Write very out of the victim’s perspective.

It’s more like your comments are more subtle than you admit, otherwise so many people wouldn’t react so hard.

6 months ago

Why? Good question. But wouldn’t break my head. You can never make it right – especially not here. Believe most people aren’t even serious here. Lg

6 months ago

Because omnivores aren’t different.

6 months ago

Well, now you have to tell everyone you’re a vegan. Then there’s your attitude you have to force everyone.

Just keep this for you and is good. M;an must not always try to convert all others. :

6 months ago

WEil – also here – make a very penetrant mission. With two of them, I’ve been getting together more often.

And “the man” likes to flatten. So almost all are thrown into a pot.

I have nothing against vegans like you. Everyone is allowed to eat what he wants.

Even though I eat meat, I am also against mass livestock. And (follow the discussion) are then attacked by some because I eat meat. It doesn’t matter how the animal is kept, it only matters that it dies. By the way, I care where my flesh comes from: Do not I like to eat wild. That this must be shot anyway: Does not apply.

Or maybe it’ll be some. You’ll get mad before, and then you’ll leave it to innocent people.

6 months ago
Reply to  Nordseefan

Although I am meat, I am also against mass livestock

Did you think that the meat you consume did not come from mass livestock?

Sorry, read later 😅

6 months ago
Reply to  Jonah1508

Yeah, as good as I can.

On the one hand, very little meat. once a week or two times. Sausage somewhat more often, but also little. 300 grams is the maximum.

You’d also like to shoot Wild – by a well-known hunter. The Christmas goose from the farm near. Many people don’t have it. They can get out and in what they want.

Okay, I’ll give myself a diner. I don’t know where the meat comes from. Or when I’m invited. But if I didn’t eat the meat, it would have to be disposed of.

6 months ago

I think it’s cool!

6 months ago


Ups, wanted to write, “Natural.” I have a fishing license myself and still go fishing.

6 months ago


Many do not believe: But (after at least) it tastes like the animal. The organic chickens taste to lengths better than those from posture 2. (Example)

Also in fish: TK fish is quite different from fresh fish.

But these products are also significantly more expensive

6 months ago

I can understand why you eat meat. And it’s actually natural. However, the methods of attitude are not of course enough.

Before I became vegetarian, I loved eating caught fish. Of course it’s not.

6 months ago

Thank you.

6 months ago

Model 🙂

6 months ago

here must be an error

also: should you care

6 months ago

You see how easy it is.

With these fools you can do whatever you want.

6 months ago
Reply to  Bsjdbduc

They are like dogs, only very stupid and with less hair. It’s faggot thinking. If 6 out of 10 think something is correct, this is also accepted. Crazy stories are invented to deal with their two-flers and to do and act justifiably.

They’ll believe they’re very intelligent. From this feeling of security, however, the most dangerous form of stupidity arises. They develop a shield on which everything their ideology repeats impact. They form their own reality with the few and bad information they possess.

6 months ago

Vegans have got very bad reputation due to a relatively loud and annoying share.

6 months ago
Reply to  darkarth298

“Grrr these evil vegans who use for animals, grrrrr lets me continue killing 😤😤 so annoying their good men, just because I actively decide to kill animals, I am not a bad person ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ their doofis 😤😤”

6 months ago
Reply to  Klaranlage

I’m sure a lot. But certainly not a good man and no vegan.

6 months ago

Excuse me. There’s always gotten. No matter what you do or who you are….

6 months ago

Give us some links where you’re going.

6 months ago
Reply to  LeviRaverBoy

My penultimate question about eating at the hotel theme

I just got the complete thread

read! You became of all

no one dead!!️ So listen!

please find iwelche Stories❗️

Something criticism hasn’t yet been!!️

6 months ago
Reply to  LeviRaverBoy

Veganism is not part of modern society but only an edge phenomenon. Germany is a bit different in terms of how much more people are interested in environmental protection, ecology, nutrition, healthy lifestyle, etc. But neither one can expect anything from any German hotel nor in Spain. This is quite different culture than here. You can be happy if you have some luck.

And so that you have such an expectation, you only confirm some prejudices you have against vegans.

I am also someone who, if possible, always prefers bio. Even natural land and organic land. But to expect from others that they would offer that by default would be ridiculous, unharmed and high-natured. Whether private or gastronomy.

I can’t understand such a mindset at all. You just have to make yourself smart.

6 months ago

Hello LeviTaverBoy, 👋

Why am I going to go for being a vegan?

Here on Good Question

maybe because many users here of you

Vegans are totally annoyed.

I don’t understand. I’ve never wanted to mission anyone.

Oohhh, that’s nice. So you’re not

one who is all non-vegans as animal killers,

animal rape, animal pupils, mass murderers,

slave holder, fasch1stoide carnists, scum,

violent, disgusting, disgusting,

etc…. insulted and insulted? Myself

as a vegetarian has been here

repeatedly titled by a vegan!

I don’t find good when people eat meat and animal products, but I can’t change it anyway. And that’s why I never start a discussion on the subject.


But I’m going to get dead right here just because I’m saying I have compassion with animals and can’t bear it or support what mass animal husbandry does.

Deadgehated? If that is true, I can

not judge, but you seem extreme

exaggerate! I think you’re very sensitive….

LG 🙋🏻

6 months ago

Because people secretly suffer ashamed animals, but their habits also do not want to change aka cognitive dissonance.

And also because just think 2% of all people are more vegan and if you have 98% of society on your side, it’s easy to go to vegans

6 months ago

Be vegan and good!

I don’t want you to be surprised.

The question here alone, provokes to corresponding answers, even to blame!

6 months ago

You’re being skinned?

6 months ago
Reply to  LeviRaverBoy

No one has got you

6 months ago
Reply to  LeviRaverBoy

Oh, you can German!