Wieso wechselte die DB so häufig ihre Farben?

Es geht um Reisezugfarben

1972/1974 kommt das ozeanblaue und teerote Farbkleid

1986 folgt der nächste Farbwechsel.

1994/1999 folgt dann das heutige Farbkleid.

Mich würde der Grund interessieren?

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3 years ago

Was the main reason for different draw colours also that the traveler could read the expected train speed? From the train to the trans-European fast train. Since the introduction of high-speed trains, there have been some types of train in the area between Bummellzug and ICE. Recently, the privatization and offers by other operators along with the DB are of course the main role. In particular, because some providers are on the move with old stocks of DB/DR.

3 years ago

The last change in design is, of course, due to German reunification and privatization. Before that, it was also called Bundesbahn.

3 years ago

So often? It was three times in half a century.

Why? Marketing. Adapting to the spirit of time, fashion, to “modern” effect.