Wieso verstehen viele nicht, dass Selbstständigkeit nicht unbedingt viel Zeit kosten muss?
Ich kenne viele und höre das auch andauernd, dass ja jeder Selbstständige und Unternehmer 60+Wochenstunden hat und wenig verdient.
Das ist am anfang die ersten paar Jahre vielleicht so, aber nach ein paar Jahren arbeitet man deutlich weniger -oder man entscheidet sich dazu gleich viel zu arbeiten und verdient dadurch viel mehr.
Zu denken dass jeder Selbstständige 40 Jahre 80h Wochen kloppt ist einfach Realitätsfern. Das ist evtl der Fall bei Leuten die nicht in der Lage sind zu skalieren… sprich ohne Geschäftssinn.
I think that for many of the different greens a self-employment is not possible. It has a lot to do with willingness to take risks and again with obligations that have to be dealt with.
To do this, you should not underestimate that the type of employee also knows people who have social contacts and a lot more that you have as a self-employed person only outside work is more important than the time you spend on it.
I know, for example, people who seem to be working for it so that they can go to work with the car every day. Others are the spears and flights around the world important.
I made myself independent 27 years ago and, of course, I had much more time from the beginning for the important things of life. In fact, a lot of time. Until I earned more than before, it took three years to make it a few years later.
I can confirm that many false ideas have. It is really very simple and has almost only advantages.
Funny as soon as entrepreneurs answer I get tune, the others think they know better.
Look forward to your success, you deserve my best!
Anyway, listen to you in principle.
You say a lot – but you say nothing!
Make a concrete statement.
How many do you know who keep telling you that self-employed people work a lot and earn little?
You say:
Such comparisons are merely proof that you have not really dealt with the topic of business creation.
Tips: You should not use any foreign words if you do not know their actual meaning.
You say:
What does it mean to scale a company?
In the business economy, scaling means that a company is growing without the need for greater investment or higher fixed costs. This increases both the turnover and profit of the company.
In this context, scalability means the expansion capability of a business model.
When is a company scalable?
To be able to scale a company particularly well, the business model ideally has the following features:
https://www.cplace.com/glossar/scaling/#:~:text=In %20of the%20Business Economy%20Determines%20Scaling,column%20Expansionsf%C3%A4Human%20Ssh%C3%A4ftsmodel.
My personal opinion is:
In your view, only working hours and merit are related to each other.
However, the success of a company is entirely different:
Who wants to earn money to earn his living and earn pension entitlements can have that much easier.
And successful entrepreneurs who have earned more money than they can ever spend in life do not rest on their billions, but still continue to work, or start completely different projects.
Money comes from alone – or not at all.
I’m afraid you don’t say where you’re referring your business.
It is striking, however, that you question your claims yourself.
It’s like that. But perhaps and possibly different.
My tip:
Work with the biographies of successful companies.
Thank you very much, I see.
Nice weekend!
So first of all, there has to work, it is no coincidence that some fail with their self-employment sooner or later. If your business doesn’t run well, there’s nix back.
You have to be made for yourself, for some that can work, for others not.
I know very few who can really lean back as self-employed. This of course has several reasons, many simply do not want to give up more money for less effort. Nevertheless, many cannot simply lean back. Those who do this too early also fail.
Look at the successful entrepreneurs and look at how many of them really don’t work much anymore and especially when this is the case.
Don’t forget that you always present a thesis as a fact based on hearing and your opinion. I would recommend you to go to the topics more neutral.
If you become a billionaire, it’s just because he likes to do his work inconceivably stupid. Why would the other Prios have?
If she cannot be they do something wrong when they do it do not want, I understand.
This is that entrepreneurs often agree with me. Therefore it looks for inexperienced according to thesis and facts based on opinion. But I know what I’m saying
No, you just ignore the answers that don’t fit you.
I’m on my own right now. I don’t have much idea of self-employment, of my work. And it actually costs a lot of time. A project can go well and like a month or two months.
The payment is of course high, but how fast I get through with something depends on my work zeal. I’m in charge of a project, over weeks. Think a lot, adapt, reject ideas. And if I deserve good, it depends on whether I have customers. This can be bad. Then I also have costs for equipment, workstation, etc.
How do you work less after years? This may be the case if you have employees and can shift the work. Do you deserve a lot of money and if so, what?
Depending on the industry, there are many possibilities of scaling. The longer you are with and better work is the more customers, so you can choose the customers who fit you. After that, you can naturally hire employees, but you can also ask for more and thus work less, is only possible if everyone wants you.
Depending on the industry, the scaling possibilities are quite different. Just someone here had a question about Chaffaur. There would be the following facts: car lease (good car) by the way, renting and looking for customers for business, doing with social media… he can scal in which he becomes more famous and chases more car least and eventually in an Sclass (250k car) the people. Or he hires employees and raises it a lot.
As an example.
Measured to my goal of 6 digits a month no, I am still far away from it. But otherwise very good.
Website Design, Trading(With Prop Companies) and its own brand, which has so far only cost.
I’m just in phase 1, already knowing new customers can be a challenge because you start from 0. For example, my focus is on building a portfolio, and I am just at this moment in the process of talking to companies. It’s not easy, it takes time. And time is known to be money.
Then it comes – and that I know from many colleagues – that customers can often be difficult, for example with regard to price negotiations. Unfortunately, until you have made a certain name, you can only choose your customers to a limited extent.
Right, then you know the usual problem. The “My Son could create the website for 100 Euro” customers. Webdesign is – at least I have let it say so – a shark basin. I’m glad you’re going.
And don’t underestimate the power that can have a break. Sometimes you’re at a point where you just don’t mind.
keyword Work Life Balance. It’s very important for the psyche, anyway.
Nice to see you have a moral compass.
Ahh… understand. I’ve been really intensely thinking about it and really came to decide that buying reviews isn’t even as immoral as you think. It depends on how you are reflected. If you really know that you don’t scare anyone, your products are good and and, then I actually find it legitimate to push. But if you just make it for the reason to squeeze out a lemon and then to smear everything, I find it morally discardable.
Of course, it’s hard to pull the border because you can never really say for yourself whether this is now morally outrageous, as you might also perceive this subjective instead of objective. It is best to ask the partner/partner or brother/sister (brother and sister defines me not by blood but by whom you like to spend most of the time) who can consider it objectively.
Again, you look different if you have principles. A true straight man stands for his principles and would at most throw them overboard for the most important people in his life, but never for a bit of money. Fullest respect for it. “What are 70 years for eternity in the Jenseins” who was his dignity, honour not by principles, I think it will be hard after death.
I wrote it to you privately. This is possible with much more things than you think. Many say for trading you have to study, is absolute bullshit. Many say to get knowledge in the marketing area you have to study – quatsch. For doctor you have to study, for lawyers and some other things. But much, very much you can teach yourself through experience.
Many (maybe only failures never tried this) believe the opposite.
Yeah, well, you have to be happy and they have to be on your industry. Know someone from school, but he wants to become a self-employed hairdresser. I help him bring his haircut to 200€/cut, but from work together, unfortunately, nothing will happen. He always cut my hair for free and keeps doing this, so I help him.
Yeah, right. But at the end of the day, always tax advisors. Fuck it then pays 10h work for 2-3k but what are 2-3k if instead you don’t know what kind of punishment (maybe even jail, is badly punished for luck than to make children… the great right system)
Everyone is born in a certain comfort zone. This behaves like with habits, the more often you leave the comfort zone the easier it is to leave again. Many people never get out of the first.
That’s the best example. You could put someone of the BWL, business informatics and what else there is for bullshit on the PC front chart that doesn’t even know the basics because trading is simply not taught anywhere. Not like emotional control. As with all shops, however, GERADE on the stock exchange, emotions have lost nothing. I even think you should be so far that you don’t even enjoy a money profit. If then, successes like e.g. to come into a leaderboard of Prop companies.
The statistics in trading are also that reflect exactly that. 40%!!! Give up in the first month. After 3 years, 13% are still there and 6% after 5 years.
The loser rate is only so high because so many give up. If everyone would go through it, most would still not be done for it, but the quota would certainly be better.
Yes, I feel. I find a workflow extremely helpful. When you start the next day, you will notice how to start the engine again to get to the level of yesterday.
Worse, Amazon KDP. I say so, I have really gained many experiences, worked with various tools and also earned money, but it has not been profitable in the long term and the competition has partly worked so immoral that I could no longer.
For example, it is a serious problem that sellers buy reviews and are immoral in ranking on various ways. In this way, customers come directly to their offers in their search. That may sound stupid, but I never did that because I am an honest skin. At some point, I realized that the money can’t finance my living in the long term. In fact, I did everything myself, for example, I only commissioned a fiver artist for the cover.
I often believe that people are afraid and I understand that. The confrontation with taxes already deteriorates because there is a certain overbureaucracy in Germany and one is always afraid to make mistakes. Actually, I’ve been such a person until I taught Elster. And you say it yourself, trading must be learned.
I have also often tried to persuade people in my environment enough to learn my “works” with which I want to start with: many lack the permanence, even if there is interest. You know it yourself, you have headaches from learning, but you go through and eventually it makes sense. I believe that many cannot exceed this point.
That’s right.
Too much work is not good either. I have training plus trading in my initial period and then only sleep and work, WE also only learn for trading. After 1-2 months, you’ll break it.
Since that much more leisure and that’s good.
Amazon FBA stuff? Or dropshipping/affiliate marketing? Just when it runs over an external company and you are dependent, it can never be the Super Gau. That might be a good thing, but millionaires aren’t going to happen. But: main thing you have gained entrepreneurial experience. This is more value than any training. I mean, look at me. I have no training and only primary school.
I think so. It’s very desirable. I wish someone from my circle of friends would have had bock with me, unfortunately no one. But that’s it.
Strong attitude. So I’m going to lease a grade for a couple of years, but in principle I’m working for my freedom and the freedom of my family not to be dependent on wage work. Freedom is for me the highest good that can be bought.
All right, absolutely no front. Having tried out a business thing about Amazon for the past few years, has worked well for a time, honestly, but in the long term it was not what made me succeed. I think, regardless of your studies, you just have to be active, staying at the ball: constantly thinking. I have sent an example project today, so I can now rest:D
And yes, these coaches etc are funny. Clearly, spiritual strength is ultra important, with me it is also primarily the desire to build up something and let others participate in it. I believe that the idea of working with other capable people and pursuing a goal will be very fulfilling in the long term. For example, I’m joking cars 0, I don’t need much. I’m investing my money in my equipment and in people I love.
I’m sorry to write so much haha but I’m enjoying it when someone is interested in it and what can learn. I hope you don’t mind.
Right. Recently found on Tiktok nen small entrepreneurs who also makes website design, which is not as a businessman as me, but for that a much better website designer. It also has problems with customers because they always negotiate although their prices are already very low. Then I told him the same as you, I hope he adapted it.
So one thing that helped me very much was my mindset. I have sharpened my mind for ever, and I think I could subdue the world. I think you need this mindset.
I believe what makes many entrepreneurs “sister” speak with low wages are 2 dings, on the one hand they do not believe in being able to conquer the world and 2. That they don’t want to be the best in their discipline.
When I started trading and was there for 1-2 years, I thought I just wanted to be good, etc. But at some point, I just wanted to become the best trader ever. And it didn’t even take so long until it worked.
Coaches. Ey I have recently seen a spider coach on YT in the comments that seriously meant that a morning routine (partly with meditation) and a journal (so self-reflection) do nothing. Oh, shit, I think he wants to be coach. Evtl self-appointed. Spirit is the strongest weapon that a person can have. And self-reflection (even the error) ultra important.
Thanks for the compliment, now where you say it feels like I hardly used my potential because I prefer to have free time than to make more 😂 naja, is just prioritized for me.
You can find such a knowledge really fast together, just through experience. That’s a matter of years. Find it always funny when people come to me with marketing studies, the green thumb fresh from studying can’t get anything compared to nem entrepreneur who had to pick up orders in the time when the Bubi studied. No front to you if you have studied, but for some things, experience is 1000x better than study or the whole garbage.
I’ll take a look, thank you.
Definitely, I’ll start. I think if you don’t attach any value to your own work, then others won’t appreciate the work.
Thank you, I hope so. My advantage is that I don’t have an ego. I ask a lot of questions and don’t pretend I’m more than me. In return, I have to tell you that your answers show me you’re not a labback. Don’t misunderstand me, but I’m sure you noticed that some are a little more embarrassment than being in business. After the motto “Fake it till you make it”. But I have talked to many successful entrepreneurs and your answers reflect their 1:1, from you the experience speaks.
Absolutely. keyword social media: document your career. Gives a lot of orders, see LittleLimeMedia. The guy is the born entrepreneur.
Yeah, just scaling. Beginning at 10-20% and at some point at 50%. As I said, it is unprofessional not to take.
I’m telling you, it’s a rough attitude. Not many. You’re making it a big one.
Definitely, I’ll handle it. I’m telling you, my skills are now at a fairly high level, because I’ve put a lot of work in expanding my skills over years. This is the advantage I have in the meantime. But first I have to bake small rolls and prove myself.
Jap, I’ve been saying that. For correct orders, I will always take an advance, the known people even take 50% advance, but they are also nameful and established.
I always say, as long as I have a lifetime, I learn. In 5 years, I can be on a completely different level in terms of knowledge, alone with your question here, I wrote up somewhere in the deepest “Trading”. Currently, it is not relevant to me, but it cannot hurt.
No, it’s okay. I am a very self-critical person, I can realistically assess myself. Sometime in the future, I’m sure I’ll deal with it, but I’m currently focusing on 100% on what I can.
Ups message sent too soon.
Not only because of employees, but also because of taxes. But you have to see if their qualifications match those of the Germans.
It’s not that naive.
Great success with your first customer!
Exactly, sometimes as I said, you have to start small. For example, I had no training in the field, so what did I do? I had 3 price classes and created 3 reference projects for each price class. Then I could ask for money.
Can prove->prices to above->almost roughly stated.
It is also very important – and even professional – to demand a advance of yes evtl 10-20%. Then you could (theoretically, even if I don’t recommend it) accept such orders.
You realize that you have no idea 😅 because money you hardly need to work with Prop companies. But don’t matter, you have to know your business and entrepreneurship.
Good idea. A tip: the top 3 best investments you can make from return: own business, yourself and Bitcoin. Bitcoin only if you know it.
No offense but I advise you to stay with your current skill set that you master. Trading is called 2-4 years at least (or longer) to make losses until you can. Is one of the hardest business in the world. Depending on the study, it creates 1-5%.
I’ll remember. So far I have only gained positive experiences, now I am talking to a company, the answer I probably get next week. Let’s see!
Can confirm your statements 100% because I am much in contact with people who earn really good and work in my industry. And they say that, work must be rewarded.
I would never work with private persons, even because my industry does not provide for this. I got a couple of offers from private people and locked up directly, ideally still somewhere from the USA, where I know that I’m done and then just blocked.
I honestly said GAR NO plan. Just because I lack the money. But I will reinvest the money I earn from my self-employment as meaningful as possible. In real estate from family property, but also in other things. Trading could be an option to look.
I’m also thinking about building a company abroad at some point. There are employees cheaper and I could spare a lot of time, but this is just a naive thought.
What else I can give you, if someone negotiates, you might break it. Especially with companies. Private customers tend to make a bad assessment with you. Companies don’t have time for this.
Accordingly, if someone doesn’t fit you and negotiates, just when it gets undamaged, just stop.
A proverb what has prevailed “A product which is good does not need a discount to sell itself” would never -so and so much% on your home page, is only unselfish for richer people and there are more poor individuals buying or fresh businesses.
It’s really an important tip in my eyes. But you know, before you can’t get a job, you could think about it. Once you have proven your value to the market (and that goes fast), you can also screw up your prices. I’m just stressing it again and again, business with companies is perfect. It’s talking, mouth propaganda. Entrepreneurs know entrepreneurs.
Challenges are cool.
Much success my best.
Yeah, that’s right. Basically it is so that it is easier to sell a well-made top decorated evtl even personalized candle for 300€ than 100 candles for 3€.
What I want to say about this, especially in the service sector, it is important to ask for a lot of money or not to be dependent on the job. It’s a good start that you work with companies and not with private individuals. Companies usually have more money. If you have more money, you usually want to have a good performance. It doesn’t matter if he leaves there 20k for a website, anyway it has no make. But the private person, just as you say, is crying at 200€. Or very small companies that don’t have money.
It is therefore very important to serve customers who have a lot of money. A great misbelief is “The rich is only so rich because he saves and negotiates” clear, he can’t pull over the table. But he gets the best performance and is ready to pay DESWEGEN he is so rich. Not because he’s a penny fox.
I almost never hear, just in the beginning. My main business was always trading and my main focus was on it. Therefore, especially since trading, it doesn’t matter if I get orders or not. This makes 10-15% of my monthly money. Have taken the revenues from the Business website only to buy food, etc. because it felt doof to live with parents without paying anything. But now I hang a little bit haha
A saying from the hostage “A army of lions led by a sheep is worse than a host of sheep led by a lion”
I’ve had more sense of business than any of my competitors, I’m gonna say arrogant. For this, however, fewer skills have only been made with templates or still. But I’m a businessman.
And why don’t you understand that it usually does?
Less work = let customers wait -> result is that go to competition.
Working a lot and earning more just when you constantly raise your prices. And then every customer will tell you that you will be replaced by a cheaper competitor.
You have no idea about business. I don’t expect you to understand if you’re not an entrepreneur.
Read the conversation of me and UnknownUser, then you see how reality looks and what it needs to scale.
I know a few self-employed with companies that make several millions a year. Part of companies with 300 employees. Nobody leans back and says, “I only do 20 hours a week.” My current chef (45) has been independent for 15 years with a small, very specialized company. Our customers are also premium brands (watches, cars, weapons). There’s nix nix with “not cost much time.” He works most
As I said, there are 2 ways, either one leans back when one has expanded/sclated, or one works with oneself and generates much more.
So much money isn’t important to me, so I’d rather go back.
Everyone has to know for themselves. My current chef said he didn’t want to be anyone who’s only in his kabuff and counts money
He can see that. I like to have free time and work for my main business fix, and the other two I’ll do if I keep bock. That’s what my goal was since the beginning.
Creating a business without being dependent on success. A dream for me, a nightmare for your boss and you 😂
You already put up a hypothesis on your question, which is simply not true. The vast majority of people are aware that the intensive work refers to the construction phase until the shop is running so well that people can be hired who lose work. Until then, “self and constantly.”
But this is usually not the main reason why people decide against self-employment. More relevant is that self-employment is an enormous risk. Sure, a risk with the chance that it’s going really well and you can earn far above average. But just so with the chance that one completely calculates, the business idea that one had not worked and then one finds oneself in front of an enormous debt mountain. And just want this risk and can’t all take it.
I don’t know.
Sure, that wasn’t the point.
I really don’t see any risk, but this is subjective. For me, it would be highly risky to be employed.
This is also a myth that I hear again and again. By far not every business leaves nen debt mountain.
Yes, that is the point of view whether the risk is, but I understand. That was not the question either.
An individual entrepreneur always bears the full risk, because he is liable with all his assets, whether private or commercial. It also carries possible risks from product liability or if customers do not pay the goods or services provided.
What genuine independence does not leave a mountain of debt if it does not work?
You put it to the point. SUPER!
Again, I explained to you the reality as she would explain to you JEDER entrepreneurs. But you think you’re smarter than any entrepreneur. I find that absolutely illusory and arrogant. But that’s arrogant people. Think they’re the best and can’t be told.
Your approach ensures that a company does not come forward or even goes down. But you have never been self-employed, so you have no experience in the field.
I can only explain these relationships to you, but they don’t understand for you. Therefore, joa, wish you a nice weekend!
Again: everything you know says every 2nd BWL Justus in the first year and all think they are the best.
Just accept that you have no idea.
But as you expect, you still think you’re the best.
I’ll leave you alone. Keep living in your dream world. No successful entrepreneur will ever agree with you and you have only consent from employees and not entrepreneurs. You’ll never get.
I’m out.
Do you have any more material to contribute except blunt insults without substance? 😉
By the way, I did not study (at least not BWL). Professionals are in the commercial sector what are masters in crafts. Speak, intern! People who have completed vocational training with a corresponding proportion of practice in the field then have worked in practice in this profession and then, in addition to continuing vocational training, visit a training course in the evening and on the weekend in order to take the appropriate examination at the IHK.
So please don’t tell me that I only learned anything in theory, it’s the exact opposite;). And, as I pointed out above, it is not about any theories, but rather about simple calculations and relationships that in the real world in practice in the free economy are as they are…
You haven’t arrived in reality for a long time. However, as a main student, it is not possible to think so far, otherwise it would have been possible to use free education until the full year.
That makes sooo many so. Especially service. It does no sense to negotiate with anyone. Either he pays your price or he’s supposed to get the people for it somewhere else. Who starts to negotiate has already lost. But you don’t understand why?
Funny. You want to explain basics to me and you’re 180 degrees in the wrong direction. All I’ve heard from entrepreneurs and had gained experience, is the opposite. It is much easier to sell a well decorated candle, possibly even personalized for 300€ than 100 candles for 3€. But again, you think you know better because you have basic BWL knowledge. They might bring you a little fame in your theory and among your fellow students, but in the real business world, every entrepreneur laughs at you. Count me.
And the foolishness has no end… clearly, for the first time wasted 20 years to learn what you learn to get into cold water in 1 year. Logically, it makes sense.
Probably the source of your information…
People who’ve been studying have been amazing me with their arrogance. You think you’ll learn everything 😂 here you can see that you learn exactly the opposite of what it comes to. Yes, you can use a few technical terms that I don’t use, but that was. Otherwise, you’ll look after me in all matters.
It is really sad to see that someone thinks that has studied it better knows than an entrepreneur who has a lot to do with other entrepreneurs.
Well, like that, you will never come down from your arrogance to the bottom of the facts, so now a better-wiss comment will come again. Have fun, you’ll be one more time for all entrepreneurs who read that make you funny, and for all normal you’ll be God. Have fun.
You always need a credit for initial investment if you don’t have the money for it yourself as reserves. And even if you have the money theoretically, the wise BWLer will check to what extent foreign capital may be the better option due to the so-called leverage effect.
If you plan your product or service in such a way that there is an interest in it only from a certain level of income, you can sharpen your market. Say, if your offer is only interesting for people in quite high grades, you have less potential customers. And as you always have to assume that not 100% of the possible customers are actually becoming customers, you have to look carefully if the remaining customers are still sufficient.
Or sometimes as a rough example of clarification: a product finds 10,000 buyers for 10 euros. Means you have revenues of 100,000 euros for the price of 10 euros. If you’re buying the same product for 20 euros, 6000 buyers don’t want to have it anymore, they’re too expensive. Therefore, despite the higher price due to the shrinking market, you only take up 80,000 euros. Few customers who pay a high price are therefore often not as rewarding as many customers who only buy at a slightly lower price!
And how marketing works, how to deal with customers and all the other relationships and calculations that I have given you here as a short outline, you should know and be able to know and understand a self-employment! For example, by learning a profession and working in it. Or at least in which you visit basic courses for founders.
And yes, I think I really know better than you. I am an economic expert. So these things are literally my profession!
Absolutely not. Just because you don’t see the way, it doesn’t mean he’s not here.
Yeah, but no credit.
That’s not the customer base you’re looking for. You don’t want to do poor people to yourself, but wealthy/to rich people who don’t have time for it. Because there is: “Why I, if someone makes it faster, better, and while I go after my job instead, I generate more than the performance costs” but so poor people don’t think, so you don’t work with them.
Of course you know better. The reality doesn’t look like that…
That’s not even what some people are about. It is about collecting first entrepreneurial experience. How to deal with customers, how to make marketing etc.
Don’t bother me, that’s not the point.
It’s nice and good. But has nothing to do with my comment or the question.
Your mentioned ideas are all those who offer little chance to get away from “self and constantly”. They all require an initial investment to acquire the necessary resources. They all have a potentially quite small customer group, as all these offers are based on a “Make or buy” decision of potential customers, in which the decision for most of them is “to make the same”.
Your marketing strategy with “Social Media” is also only limited to these companies, as these are very locally limited active offers, while social media is in turn a channel which, rather, ensures highly supra-regional dissemination.
This is the primary ideas that provide a whole lot of “self and constantly”. If they discard enough at all to deduct taxes, acquisitions and operating costs, as well as contributions to sickness and, where appropriate, Pension insurance can still live. Especially as a self-employed person, it is still necessary to calculate that, with what one deserves on a job, one must also finance periods in which one deserves nothing – for example through illness, lack of jobs or if one wants to make a holiday a week for recovery. What in turn makes the prices for these offers quite nicely high when you calculate the clean. What in turn – see above – leads to a decision for “Make” in even more people.
In the employee relationship, however, one does not have to worry about illness. You don’t have to plan that you don’t get orders for several days, weeks or even months. You paid at least four weeks a year holiday. You are completely socially insured. And you know what’s on the account at the end of the month. All these collaterals are all the more important, the more one takes responsibility for one’s own life and, if necessary, the other – partner, children, pets etc.
And that is precisely why many prefer precisely this kind of money earning of self-employment with the much higher risk.
Since I am talking about the legal conditions, this is not a matter of view, but a reality. You can ignore it, but that doesn’t interest the creditors and the tax office.
Do you want to keep playing pigeon chess or just rolling around?
And now? He’s taking a little risk, and then?
For me, it’s high-risk to be an employee. Is everything that is risky.
Social Media. And that’s why you’re not an entrepreneur.
Where can I get the customers? There are too many providers that are interdependent.
For car lease, I need income first. Chaffeur is no longer present. It’s too expensive for companies. Taxi drivers have been fighting for survival since the sick transports are very severely restricted.
You’re being painted on my cookies.
Thinking is not a way?
High-pressure cleaner business, 360° photos for business, car lease what you want to drive anyway to rent, chaffaur, website design…. could count for hours because there are several things.
This is the human psyche..
People who do not dare: look for excuses with which they find themselves to rule out an exhausting self-employment for themselves.
Or they know people who have themselves goal-workers, but important; Self-employment is not self-employment.
Make a difference whether you are a craftsmanship or a software company where you hire employees + managing directors.
I’m sure you work much less from a certain point.
Knapper, good comment.
You haven’t understood it yet. Self-working still means working yourself and constantly.
If you don’t do that, you’ll fall on the snout with your self-employment.
You’re right.
As you can see, however, the relationships do not seem to be understood properly.
Like a child caught in the cookie box with his hand:
To make such statements for ALL self-employed, even though the (fictive) own business does not yet run 3 years and there is no knowledge about the business economy.
Not serious