Why and where is water lost?

Even in school we learned things like "For 1 kg of meat, thousands of liters of water are lost."

The same thing happens with clothes and pretty much everything that is manufactured in any way.

But where does the water go? How can I imagine this "lost"? It doesn't just disappear. As far as I know, the water cycle should be at work…

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2 years ago

The water cycle, as he is taught at school, hasn’t been true for a long time.

It is just a mistake that water, which is taken from rivers or lakes, simply rains down and fills the river again. Unexpected groundwater is not simply refilled, and the Americans, who soon used up 500 years old groundwater supplies.

The height, frequency and distribution of precipitations depends on many conditions, forests play an important role. Also the glaciers, they feed some rivers.

Averages are also such a thing, In D the rainfall has risen for example in the last 30 years. The forests in my region do not benefit at all, there have been dry damage for years.

Here you can read:


2 years ago

It is not lost, the water is required and possibly soiled when used. In turn, energy is required for the treatment of the water.

2 years ago

It’s about clean drinking water. This is lost

2 years ago

It is not actually lost but is used in one place, dirty, processed and returns to the cycle. Just stop at the place where it was taken.

What the Cologne drinking water called has already gone down several toilets while it comes to almost 100% from groundwater. The waterhouse above the village is very rarely dry and then there is still a drinking water barrier. (even this is already tasted, city water is inconvenient in comparison).

Rain, cowpipi and what else do you want to land on liquids on the ground, go to the groundwater or to the next creek and from there to the North Sea, through many waterworks, toilets, cooling systems and stomachs presumably.

The problem about the whole thing is that climate-related in some areas is much less raining than before, in others more. Those who do not get rain but still continue to water that then lands elsewhere. This is particularly bitter, for example, in avocado cultivation where in sowiso already dry opposite cubic meters water is concentrated in fruits, which are then rocked around half the world. This water is actually easy for the region. Just like the deep fountains in Africa where Nestlé holds his slaves (or what do you call work against life otherwise?)

2 years ago

This then comes down in Bangladesh as a flood.

2 years ago

Right, “desk” doesn’t. It is “bonded” by polluting it, using it for irrigation or as a drive and thus temporarily removing it from the drinking water supply.

The problem is: if from 100% drinking water Large percentage At the same time, no more than food can be used in this way, then the rest of the water is no longer sufficient to cover the need for a constantly growing, hungry and thirsty humanity.

2 years ago

For 1kg meat, a whole cow has to be slaughtered (which is of course completely processed but I’m just about one kilogram for consumption)

This one cow must be fed and soaked for a long period until it is large enough. 50-80l alone drinks a cow a day. It also eats plant-based feed. These plants are cultivated separately and are not picked up anywhere from the edge of the road and they also need drinking water for a longer period of time to grow.

All the water that is needed solely for the rearing of a single cow is practically “lost” to the population. Consider what a single person could make meaningful with 80 liters of water per day alone Or how to invest 80 liters of water a day more generally than in a cow.

2 years ago

Here’s an example of how the water disappears.

Can the Aralsee be saved? Galileo | ProSieben


Then the water that is tapped especially in Africa to sell it.

2 years ago

The water cycle also goes. Only then can you not dramatize water consumption so beautifully.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hugohabenix

I’m not laughing when the paper says you shouldn’t pour your garden for lack of water.

2 years ago
Reply to  5Leonarda

You can ask in your community or town where the whole water flows. Or why there are no treatment plants.

2 years ago

Yeah, do it. I also found this interesting:

Oil, Smoke and Mirrors – FULL DOCUMENTARY

Here with German subtitles.

2 years ago

This is a longer session. I’ll put this on tomorrow.

2 years ago

I don’t know him.

2 years ago

I thought I’d be pretty alone. Then a lecture by Niko Paech on post-growth economics and the hall was filled with 700 visitors.

2 years ago

Me too. I’m not alone.

2 years ago

I’m very happy!

2 years ago

From me.

2 years ago

A country should be able to care for itself and anyone who has any possibility builds up what viable. This relieves the responsibility of the economy, makes people more independent and free.

đŸ˜‚ – I never get many voices for this idea.

2 years ago

We need food, clothing, living space and energy to survive. Yes, including medical devices and personnel.

It has been moving abroad for years. Hope that will change soon. Otherwise we can pack in.

2 years ago

We can put the “increase” and GDP at the end of the priority list and focus on survival.

2 years ago

Yeah, you did. This is why the production site in Germany is always more unattractive. If this is to be the solution, it will be difficult to generate enough services. The administration also lives from production.

2 years ago

You’d have to take a few branches out of this “industrial tree” once.

2 years ago

If we have something on this planet, it’s water. Making this usable is technically possible.

Industry, agriculture and the population now needs a lot of water. The flowers don’t pour or the lawn, don’t make the cabbage fat.

2 years ago

And the otherwise large river nearby has only 40 cm depth….

2 years ago

Or increase stocks.

2 years ago

Why, it’s normal. If consumption exceeds stocks, it is better to household.