Wieso Übelkeit beim Bergauflaufen?
heute war ich auf einem trail biken und wir sind danach immer wieder hoch gelaufen.
Ich hatte etwas Probleme mit der Atmung. Das war die letzten Male aber auch ein bisschen. Heute wurde mir zusätzlich recht häufig etwas übel. Mein Puls war als ich oben angekommen bin glaub ich auch recht schnell.
hat jemand eine idee woran das liegen könnte?
Hab viel getrunken und auch sonst hab ich nichts anders gemacht als die letzten male.
I’ve been there a few times. At that time I was black in my eyes and really dizzy and bad. My ex had to take me up the mountain.
Today it was so bad to run up 45 minutes. I felt my heart really strong and I was so dizzy and bad. I had to take a break several times, and I was totally finished up. I had only about 3 hours of sleep last night.
I think this is generally perhaps due to low blood pressure, iron deficiency, tiredness, too little eaten and drunk etc.
Nausea can be caused by hypertension alone, otherwise how high were you? Perhaps the falling oxygen content in the air does not get you and it is oxygen deficiency.
Thank you
that was not high
I’m typing “low sugar” so I eat a little bit. Next time take a banana or a musli bar.
I will try out
Thank you.
The answer is certainly more simple than anything with blood pressure. And that’s all you’ve done. It’s been a couple of times.
but that was already right at the beginning
Under sugar?
Too hot.