Wieso trinkt ihr Alkohol?
Die Frage geht natürlich nur an Leute; die Alkohol konsumieren
Die Frage geht natürlich nur an Leute; die Alkohol konsumieren
Wenn ja wie war es
Man darf ja dann 3 Pflanzen für den Eigenbedarf anbauen.
Hallo zusammen, ich hab den ersten Tag fast geschafft dafür kann ich aber nicht schlafen, mir ist schlecht habe bauschmerzen Kopfschmerzen und bin so fett am schwitzen dass es nicht mehr auszuhalten ist. Ich hab das Gefühl wahnsinnig zu werden wenn ich nicht gleich was zum Rauchen bekomme. Im Internet hab ich einige Artikel gelesen…
Hallo. ich hab gelesen, dass Raucher von täglich Tee (Vorallem Kamillentee, grünem Tee) Obst (Äpfel, Wassermelonen, Gurken etc etc,), Gemüse & täglicher Bewegung, Genügend Schlaf (6-8st/Nacht), etc und Allgemein von einem guten Lebensstil profitieren? Stimmt das? kann man als Raucher länger leben, wenn man bis auf das Rauchen & ab und zu saufen einen wirklich…
I think the taste is usually a lie. I don’t know anyone who tastes great or not. If Alk didn’t change my mood, I wouldn’t drink it.
mainly because of the effect. But nothing that doesn’t taste me, which in my case is limited to beer. I’m just drinking back and forth in rounds with friends.
I drink a good wine for a good meal, and that only in the company of my partner.
I rarely drink alcohol, and if only in measure. Why can be diverse. Generally, however, if there is something to celebrate or just if I feel like a cool beer.
Alcohol in combination with a party is also something that makes young life so. Just when Mickie’s claw is played in the club, there’s no escalation. 😅
I drink alcohol every second Saturday.
Then I meet with my friend and neighbor, we play chess, philosophize everything possible and empty a good (!) spirit.
Sometimes, not always we smoke a good (!) cigar.
A good spirits begins at about 50 € the 0.7 bottle and a good cigar at about 15 € the piece. We enjoy that, that’s ambience, that’s far from “buzzing”.
Every two weeks we do this and enjoy it very much.
I drink quite rarely, 2-3 times a year.
Usually because wine tastes better for Christmas dinner than Cola and thus the 1-2 glasses are nice change to water.
I only drink a glass of sparkling wine to New Year’s Eve
Wine is part of my family for dinner, i.e. when I’m in the family I just drink.
I don’t really drink something, I find more unnecessary and I’m a person who likes to drink water.
+ effect.
Ne absolutely flaky
Depends on what you drink
So I drink water
Flavour and effect
Either to taste or taste
Hops is also a medicinal plant.
Sober I really can’t stand the writing on a good question.
I don’t drink alcohol at all.
So it turns in the pear