Wieso tackern die Restaurants die Papiertüten nicht zu u. machen ein Kleber auf den Deckel des Essens,so das man sieht falls es geöffnet wurde vom Lieferanten?
Mein Essen sieht so aus, ob der Lieferant den Plastikdecken geöffnet und was daraus gegessen oder sein Finger reingesteckt hätte 😡😏
Because it’s not necessary, but you could do it.
I think to save time is not done any additional work or it is so hot that the food could sweat and therefore is not made so horny
And sticking an adhesive on the plastic lid costs 1 sec of its time
Yes, they are called sweating when the food is soaked, or the bag becomes porous, just at a burger is that very fucking or if you have ordered something fried crispy and then you just have a wet panade
But it’s different
It comes in a “WÄRMEBOX”. Whether a paper bag has been stacked or not, in the heat box it always has the same temperature