Wieso stürzen die elektronen nicht in den Atomkern?

Hallo, die elektronen kre4isen ja nach dem borhscfhen atommodell um den atomkerbn, ich frage mich aber dabei wieso diese nicht in den atomkern stürzen da sie ja angezogen werden müssten von dem Kern oder ?

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1 year ago

The idea that electrons like planets circle around the atomic nucleus is just a model with which, although some can not explain all the properties. A circular electron would, for example, be subject to the centripetal force and thus radiate through its charge. It would lose energy and actually rush into the core.

Electrons can also be imagined as a wave around the core and only integer ratios are possible. The wave must be closed in itself, since a wave valley cannot meet a wave crest. This classification also explains the quantum leaps. The lowest possible energy of an electron is a simple wave and is already outside the core.


1 year ago

Why doesn’t the moon fall into the earth? Why doesn’t the earth fall into the sun?

That’s exactly what you can imagine with the electron. The attraction between the electron and the atomic nucleus acts as a centripetal force which holds the electron on its circular path. If this attraction force were not present, the electron would simply fly tangentially along a straight line instead of staying on a circular path.

[In essence, however, this is not really right, as the drill atomic model is not right. Instead of circular paths, the electrons are in certain quantum mechanical states, the orbitals, which are a little more complicated. But even if the first part of my answer is not entirely correct, hopefully it should be clear where your mistake of thinking lies.]

1 year ago
Reply to  mihisu

[In essence, however, this is really right,

Do not miss a “not“?

1 year ago
Reply to  evtldocha

Well recognized. Yes, there was a “not” missing. Thank you.

1 year ago

the earth is also attracted by the sun and does not fall into it. or the moon of the earth.

if the circulating speed is suitable for the central force, a stable circulating path results. the one object falls almost permanently around the other.

(if one penetrates deeper into the uterine, one sees that it is not so simple in the case of the atom due to the radiated electromagnetic radiation expected after classical physics and that the stability of the atom cannot be explained and the phenomena are explained only in the context of quantum mechanics. but as long as you don’t understand the simple case in the system erde-sonne (and from your question I conclude that doesn’t do), it’s meaningless to go so far)

1 year ago

The statement is in this sentence:

For thatElectronnot withCoreto makeUncertaintyand thePauli principle.

I am not able to explain it in simple words. The electron becomes faster and faster the closer it is at the core, this state is increasing energy. The relevant atomic model is the orbital model of quantum mechanics.

1 year ago

This is a complex question with an equally complex answer.


The short answer is that the drill atomic model is simply wrong.

1 year ago
Reply to  DerRoll

The model is still used today, models explain certain aspects, no more. This is the meaning of models.