Wieso stimmt die Reisezeit nicht mit der Abflug- und der Ankunftszeit überein (Lufthansa)?


ich habe für diesen Sommer Hin- und Rückflug für London über Lufthansa gebucht. Mir ist gerade aufgefallen, dass die Reisezeit komischerweise nicht mit dem Zeitraum zwischen der Abflugs- und Ankunftszeit übereinstimmt. Es sind keine Zwischenstopps bei den beiden Flügen. Ich hab gerade bei anderen Flügen der Lufthansa nachgeschaut und die Reisezeit stimmt irgendwie selten überein. Ich fliege zum ersten Mal und kenne mich da nicht so gut aus. Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen? Vielen Dank!

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9 years ago

That’s right. Local time is always specified. You flee in D at 7:10 and arrive in London at 8:15… after German time your arrival time would be 9:15, but in London you have to reset the clock an hour, so there it is only 8:15

9 years ago

This is because it’s 1 hour earlier in London than here. The local time is indicated

9 years ago

London is in a different time zone and the local time is given. When you arrive, it’s 9.15 in Germany and 8.15 in London.

9 years ago

Departures and arrival times always refer to the local time of departure or arrivals. Arrival airports.

9 years ago

Sohl departure and arrival time are always indicated in local time. If it’s 8:00 in Munich, it’s only 7:00 in London. To ensure that the passenger does not have to convert and be confused, time is always given in local time.

9 years ago

The departure time and arrival time are the local time. There is a difference between the island and Germany for an hour. http://www.zeitzone.de/

9 years ago

By the way, you are aware that you only have hand luggage? In the light tariff!

9 years ago

Time shift is the magic word

9 years ago

The puzzles solution is that the departure and arrival time alwaysin local time. But after England one has an hour of time shift. So the approach seems to be shorter, and the return flight seems to be longer than it actually is.

When the Concorde was still flying, there were funny flights to the United States where the arrival time beforethe departure period. Time shift to New York: 6 hours, flight time: 2 hours I believe, and you arrived four hours before departure.