wieso steht bei mir in der rangliste nicht die ausgeschiedene Bewerbungen?
Moin, ich habe schon mehrere Fragen hier gelesen und die meisten gaben an, wie viele Personen vor Ihnen schon deren bewerbung abgelehnt haben. Bei mir sieht die Rangliste aber nicht entsprechend den Bildern von den anderen Fragen aus. Ich würde mich sehr über eine verständliche Antwort freuen.
My observation here is that very many questioners and respondents do not understand the lists of higher education. Some believe that the rank would indicate how many are still ahead of one, others think that the limit of admission says how many candidates have left. If anyone makes such a claim here, you should enjoy it with caution.
Otherwise, you can easily calculate how many people have left: The places are assigned to the first rows in the first run. At 6 places over the waiting period, the first six ranks get an offer. If you leave, the next person will come up. How many people have already received an admission offer or who last, you will see the limit of admission. So if you want to know how many have decided against studying, you only have to count on “limits” – “places”.