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Genuine vaccines that reject vaccinations per se probably account for about 2-4% of the population.
That’s about every 25 to 50th. So, for example, in every secondary school class a person. I don’t think so much.
The group is also significantly more heterogeneous than it suggests the latest report on corona vaccination. You will find everything possible, from conspiracy theorists, who are afraid of planted chips, to ascetosters and homeopaths that reject scientific medicine.
These are a lot of group effects, some of them even quite clearly cults, from which this is apparent. The reasons in doubt are therefore often group pressure and brainwashing and less rational cause.
Conversely, of course, the 96-98% of the population are not a hundred percent advocates. So when we talk about scepticism towards vaccinations, we are not just talking about a complete rejection, but also about ethical, economic, empirical and test-theoretical reasons.
There are many examples of Corona. Corona vaccinations are still only permitted on condition. There are not enough data available for full authorisation. That means we talk about a population-wide experiment. However, this was not communicated and at least in my vaccination, the usual risks were not explicitly addressed in this regard. The note was also not clear in this respect. The following data collection was inadequate. It is quite possible to justify this, namely that a population-wide data collection cannot be coordinated in this way, at least not by the pharmaceutical companies themselves. Nevertheless, these things have not been widely addressed either by the state or by the local vaccinations.
Problems with pharama companies and their business practices are of course also like arguments. In the past, there were also a large number of larger and smaller scandals in this respect, where the one or the other actor was more concerned with the money than with creating an effective vaccine (or an effective drug).
These rational arguments are all in certain situations. You should pay attention to what you can do. The doctors will also be well advised in individual cases, I think. A healthy scepticism is basically also the core element of modern scientific medicine.
That’s nonsense. A “experiment” would not have even received a conditional authorisation. Vaccinations have undergone all necessary approval steps.
In order to be vaccinated, you had to sign a reconnaissance sheet in which detailed vaccination reactions and complications are discussed. There was also a doctor who could ask more questions.
He was very detailed. If you weren’t sure, you could have asked the doctor. If you missed information – why did you let yourself inoculate?
And if you’re already skeptical about vaccinations, you’ll find some time for a vaccination date and leave it the same.
This is what some people have the fixed idea that the state wants to kill them. I think these are mainly people who have low education, are not socially embedded and are easy to manipulate and perhaps look at too many films. There are people who think the media will make them deliberately stupid, so as in the movie “they live” where subconscious messages are sent to keep people calm 😂 there are even people who think the industry wants to poison whether now with food or with media (vaccination) . There are those who think that the population should be exchanged. There are those who feel persecuted and harassed, there have already been those who have been asylum in countries where there is actually a risk
I imagine it strenuous and threatening if you believe that a country is being persecuted and killed personally. However, nix changes the risk here only in the head.
There are now vaccination damages, which has always been. Of course, one can argue that the benefit is greater than the damage. Only if you don’t care about it, you don’t care. I have a vaccination effect myself 20 years and therefore still need to take pills several times a week and then of course you are also more conservative on the subject.
Because the corona imofubg is bad!
It is striking how much the media have defended the effect of vaccination and still defend. It is noticeable because it was constantly reported about what could only be vaccinating effects, but it was always denied and stamped as a coincidence. It is also noticeable how inoculated people were not taken seriously at all – even if there was something 100% realistic like being constantly sick since vaccination.
how else can it be explained that despite the alleged vaccination and the fact that most were vaccinated, the people continued to suffer from covid for months? the vaccination had never had the such good effect of which we were told! and “It was not completely harmless either. that even Karl Lauterbach indirectly admitted in which he wanted to help the vaccinated. How does he want to help imprisoned people if they don’t exist? who said that the inoculations were side-effect-free? right! it was hr. louderbach! So why does he want to help impoverished people now, where they shouldn’t give up? he knew from the beginning that there are more side effects than is often told! this vaccination was pure money of the phamar and the politician! how is it to be explained that all people who have been vaccinated and after that have fallen over because they had heart-proplems? can this really still be the case, and the vaccinated or vaccinated people on a good question: why were they not taken seriously and always smiled? Why was the side effect always aborted as an infestation, dramatization or as a corona? The side effects I read were all realistic! So why aren’t they taken seriously? DARF there are no side effects? if people were delivered to the hospital despite vaccination, people “just randomly” few days after vaccination suffer from heart-propelled and people become sick by vaccination then it is time that we see how cheated!
PS: before it gets deleted again: no I try to convince no one here. this is only my opinion on the vaccination theme! I don’t care if you believe me.
What a whistle…😂
What vaccinations are meant? I personally do not belong to the vaccination sceptics or to the vaccinators. Vaccinated against Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Diptherie, Herpes Zoster, Pneumokokken, annual influenza vaccination etc. I have zero shock for such diseases! Do you mean the vaccinations against COVID 19. I am vaccinated four times with Comirnaty BioNtech, without any problems, no myocarditis, SVT, Herpes Zoster etc., no Long Covid, such as Fatigue etc., no normal vaccination reactions that can occur during any vaccination, such as temperature increase, pain at the injection site (Musculus Deltoideus). To this day no infication with Covid 19. An asymptomatic infect can of course not be excluded, i.e. infected but not diseased. No one is known to me who claims a friend of mine died because of the vaccination on a carcinoma. Word to Thursday! Despite four times poisonous injection 🤣🤣🤣 I still live! If a refreshment vaccination is offered at some point, I will use it. In Germany, there was no vaccination obligation, with the exception of medical care personnel, to protect against vulnerable persons/patients.
Injecting a substance into the bloodstream, from which you don’t have much idea, requires a lot of trust and that doesn’t have all people. Theoretically, it could be the lethal poison syringe, right?
Because they are uninformed or do not want to deal with the subject.