Wieso soll ich noch Hoffnung haben?

Ich bin ganz tief im tiefsten dunkelsten Loch und meine Seele kann keinen Frieden mehr finden. Ich bin so traurig wie das letzte mal vor vielen jahren. Ich glaube auch Gott hat mich verlassen. Ich habe früher immer seine Anwesenheit gespürt und jetzt ist er weg und lässt mich allein in dem dunklen Sumpf versinken und psychisch qualvoll ersticken.

Was soll das ? Kann ich noch was machen ?

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8 months ago

I’m really so sorry that you still feel bad. However, I hope that what we have discussed could help you some way.

It’s definitely helpful to look for a therapist. I know that this takes a long time and I don’t know how fast it is. But wait is worth it, in the end you have nothing to lose. Don’t give up!

And I know you’re a Christian, not like me Jewish, and that’s all right. I believe God loves all people. You know, last time I spoke to my rabbi from our community and he said to me that God hears our prayers most when we are at our deepest point. So don’t stop praying. Don’t listen to hope.

If you’re downstairs, there’s only one left.

8 months ago


Get out of the swamp.

No matter how deep it is and how deep it is. There’s an IMMER out.

And that’s what someone who was in the hell for 19 years. 9 bone fractures, 2 near death experiences, several scars on the body etc. were added by other people.

If I could get out of this swamp, you’ll pack it out of yours.

If you can’t do it on your own. Then take help. it is not weak to recognize that you cannot manage it alone.

It is unbelievably strong to recognize that you need help, and also to take it into consideration.

The only one that’s really in your way is you. So help yourself instead of blocking you.

8 months ago
Reply to  ichweisnetwas

Hey great answer! I wish you all good <3

8 months ago

I also believe God has left me. I used to feel his presence and now he’s gone and lets me sink in the dark swamp alone and suffocate psychologically painfully.

You expect God to help you. He’ll never help you.

In your last question, I already wrote to you that you should forget your fictitious God.

Only you can help you, not your fictitious God.

Find help and solve your problems by yourself or with appropriate help.

Otherwise it won’t work.

At the moment I feel that you are more insulting yourself….

8 months ago

Good morning recruit.

God is always present, but he will descend from heaven for no one.

I used to be at this point. Müllberge stacked himself next to the PC, insects shared the room with me, it stumbled after death and I was nothing but a little misery.
But Jesus does not wait for your death, for you cannot know him. But you can know your life and improve it.

“Oh Lord, if you had been here, my brother would still live!”
“I am the resurrection and life. Whoever accepts me can never know death. Lazarus did not die because he trusted me.”

I got out of my way too. But I’ve found it back and I’m sure you can. This film helped me:

You have to find the meaning of your life, and then you will see meaning again in God. But if you let mourning and anger fall over you, then Jesus can no longer guide you. He just hopes for your return. As soon as you return, you can’t find out grief, death and fear.


8 months ago

Go to the therapist/psychiater!

8 months ago

Find you professional help.