Wieso sind Veneers so teuer?

Veneers kosten von der Herstellung wenig, der Eingriff ist ebenfalls nicht kompliziert. Löcher zu schliessen ist komplizierter als Veneers drauf zu tun.

Liege ich falsch oder warum sind Veneers dann so teuer?

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1 year ago

Hello drmeduza,

If you are privately insured or take private care of the doctor, you will receive an invoice. People who have never seen such bills fall almost from the chair, which costs a day in the hospital, etc.

The prices are normal. Everyone wants to earn something. There are enough products on the market so that no moon prices can demand. And there are doctors and technicians, for private treatments, also enough.

Good luck!


1 year ago

Because the health insurance fund at Veneers pays absolutely nothing, it is of course much more expensive for the patient.