Wieso sind so viele Vegan?

Es ist bewiesen das es unglaublich schädlich ist… Dazu rettet man damit doch keine Tiere da sie sowieso umgebracht werden… Man schadet damit nur den Bauern die sowieso bei der Ampelkoalition schwer haben und nicht über die runden kommen.Ich verstehe einfach nicht wieso man es macht. Es war für Milionen von Jahren normal Fleisch zu essen und jetzt will man es verändern.


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11 months ago

Because the militant vegan had a foolish mind. I also don’t understand why so many vegans are, as these “artificial meat products” in my eyes are anything but healthy.

11 months ago
Reply to  Sonne5378

Strange, all the vegans I know find the millitant vegan terrible…

11 months ago
Reply to  Romy0

It’s awful, too, and I’m telling vegan. I just find her way to 🤢

11 months ago
Reply to  Sonne5378

Plottwist – there are many vegans who avoid “artificial meat products” as well as “militant vegan”!

There are far more important and meaningful reasons for veganism;D

11 months ago
Reply to  Sonne5378

You mean the porn vegan? She just wants to draw attention to herself, marketing, not anymore! People are stupid, the militant vegan probably feeds secretly steaks and laughs out the grass necks.

11 months ago

I give you almost right 😂 I don’t think that she wants to be in a better light, but consciously negative and reach and, of course, also get money.

11 months ago

I don’t think so. She’s just trying to show herself and to imagine herself in a better light and to think she’s better than anyone else. I also don’t think she’d get anyone animated to feed on vegans. Just because their whole way at least strikes me and everyone in my friend and acquaintance extremely upset.

To be honest, I have just come to life and not only achieved much more. Because my partner has been mostly vegan for 4 months, although he is actually against a vegan diet.

11 months ago

You’re absolutely right! I don’t think she’s really about animal welfare.

11 months ago

The food world is changing completely, and this is a super exciting thing for all of us. Now there is food made from plants, but it looks exactly the same and tastes like the meat stuff we already know – how Chicken Nuggets, fish sticks, sausages, liver sausage and so on. This is really a cool thing, not only for people who already live vegans, but for anyone who wants to take a bit of care about what he eats and how it affects the animals and our planet. What do you mean? Well, it feels like we’re at the beginning of something very big. These plant alternatives are becoming better and better – not only how they look, but also how they taste. And that’s going pretty fast! This shows us that the technique makes really big jumps when making food. But it’s about more than just taste and appearance. It is about us being able to change our eating habits without having to give up anything. And this is good for the animals and for our earth. Imagine we could eat delicious without having to suffer animals. Imagine a world where we need less water to produce our food, where less harmful gases come into the air and where we do not burden nature so much. That sounds almost too beautiful to be true, right? But with all the new vegan products, this becomes more and more reality. Honestly, the time we thought we needed meat to eat well is over. Every time we try these new herbal things and realize how delicious they are, we come a little closer to this goal. It is a chance for us to think about our eating habits and consider how we can help create a better world. All this shows us that change is possible and that new ideas can help us make the future better. Now it is time that we are open to these changes and the plant revolution not only as an alternative, but as an enrichment for what we eat. Let’s make sure that the future is vegetable – and at the same time super tasty!

And the animals are not “killed anyway”, but they are “not even born” because they are not “used”. Of course, you could also philosophize it again.

11 months ago
Reply to  yuutuuber

I (m,64) am NOCH not a vegetarian or vegan, but I know at least most animals, whose parts or products I eat and see or know how and where they live and have in recent years my meat and animal product consumption by at least. 66% reduced, so I am on the “best” way, I think.

11 months ago

It doesn’t hurt that make it many and you help the environment and animals

11 months ago

One question: What bothers you?

It is proven that it is incredibly harmful…

You can’t stand that way. It is true that there are proteins from the meat that are difficult to replace with plant. However, daily uninhibited meat consumption is just as unhealthy. Most vegans live significantly healthier than most non-vegans.

You only harm the farmers

I don’t see that, because the herbal foods also come from there.

was normal to eat meat for millions of years

Yes, but not in the masses, as today. There was meat twice a week. When it came up. It’s on the table some 3 times a day. This is about these masses. This also follows mass animal husbandry. It is also not about killing animals, but how they live. Many do not want to participate in this.

11 months ago
Reply to  bikerfan73

Voice yourself in all points except that it is not about killing the animals. For this point is also the point that an animal has to die for a few minutes of enjoyment and is naturally exploited beforehand.

11 months ago

If you do it right, it’s not incredibly harmful.

You just need a diet plan and must take B12 in tablet form.

It’s shameful for those who just put on good luck.

And people who have previously bought their animal products from the farmers who certainly buy their plant products there. Every farmer I know sells vegetables.

And it comes to that that there are relatively few vegans whose voice is very loud.

11 months ago

Veganism is not harmful. Farmers who produce milk and meat can do something else. The world is not silent. Millions of years ago, it was normal to die at 35. Of 200 skeletons from Neandertals, which have been discovered so far, have only been a few 60 years old. No one has become 70, 80, as it would now be normal. Most of them died young. No

11 months ago
Reply to  Claphamroad

Farmers who produce milk and meat can do something else.

And that’s what?

11 months ago
Reply to  2002Nutzer

For example, grow vegetables…;)

11 months ago
Reply to  2002Nutzer

There are enough other professions.

11 months ago

So many aren’t. That’s wrong.

11 months ago

There are not many vegans…

11 months ago

There is no royal route, also veganism causes animal suffering/environmental damage etc.

But – and this is the point – veganism causes far away Less Animal suffering / environmental damage etc.

Easily inform;D

11 months ago

You have a lot of opinion for your little idea.

11 months ago
Reply to  SpookyBatwing

My first thought

11 months ago

Of course, you save animals when you live vegan or vegetarian. Yeah, they’ll die at some point, but not so early. Cows are slaughtered, for example, after 5 years, pigs with 6 months.

I’ve heard supply and demand before? When no one buys meat, no animals are born and no more animals are slaughtered, for what?

And vegan and vegetarian are the healthiest diets that are proven. Animal protein is unhealthy and meat is anti-inflammatory. Red meat promotes the growth of cancer cells. And you don’t need to talk about processed meat like sausage.

You should really be more involved.

I am vegetarian myself and often eat vegan and since I no longer eat meat and eat only little animal products, I feel much better. My Achilles tendonitis just went away with it.

11 months ago

I don’t know a single vegan in the acquaintance.

11 months ago

Why are so many vegans?

What exactly do you understand under “so many”? As far as I know this is about 3% in Germany, which I do not feel as much.

It is proven that it is incredibly harmful…

What exactly?

You don’t save animals because they are killed anyway…

And what exactly is that supposed to be an argument?

It is only a pity that the peasants who have difficulty in the light coalition anyway

The couple of vegans won’t hurt the farmers. In addition, farmers not only produce animal products.

I just don’t understand why you do it.

You don’t have to. However, you do not interfere in the diet of others. You’re probably not thrilled if vegans want to force your diet, are you?

It was normal to eat meat for millions of years and now you want to change it.

You can continue to feed on animal products, no matter how many vegans there are. So where’s the problem?

11 months ago
Reply to  FranzJosef76

Absolute bullshit 😂

11 months ago

Farmers produce animal and vegetable products!

And are broke without animal products. It still doesn’t want to go into your brain or what! 91% of farmers who have gone broke in the last three years had livestock farming!

There are also some farmers who do not have farm animals and produce only plant products!

What has nothing to do with the fact that there would be no more farms with livestock farming without them!

This has nothing to do with my answer, nor with the claim of the questioner.

It does. You’re not smart enough to understand.

The problem with the whole discussion here is that you are not able to understand the words “only”, “exclusively” and “also”.

No, the problem is that you don’t understand that farmers are just keeping animals to survive at all! You go out here from an extreme case, which, by the way, is enough! You have not understood that what you call plant products is produced by farmers for animal husbandry!

11 months ago

If they have no more animals, they have no more agriculture.

Produce animal products and plant products!

There are also some farmers who do not have farm animals and produce only plant products!

You have absolutely no idea about agriculture and economy!


You are not able to read texts exactly and understand the simplest words, this is the only problem here.

There is not a farm death in Germany for free!

Not because of the vegan.

7800 farms, of which 7100 with farm animals have gone broke in the last 3 years! Isn’t that enough for you? Does it have to be even more?

This has nothing to do with my answer, nor with the claim of the questioner.

The food comes from the freezer!

What I always try to explain.

The problem with the whole discussion here is that you are not able to understand the words “only”, “exclusively” and “also”. Please read my answers and those of the questioner. Slowly, I’m afraid you’re going to be stupid.

11 months ago

You didn’t understand. If they have no more animals, they have no more agriculture. They’re broke! And that’s it.

You have absolutely no idea about agriculture and economy!

There is not a farm death in Germany for free! 7800 farms, of which 7100 with farm animals have gone broke in the last 3 years! Isn’t that enough for you? Does it have to be even more?

The food comes from the freezer!

11 months ago

Can’t you read or do it so hard to understand the reading? Just because a farm farm has livestock that hasn’t done that for a long time, that farm animals are the only source of income and that was exactly what the user’s assertion, that is now bullshit. You can have farm animals and still cultivate grains, one does not exclude the other, and for most farmers, this is also the case that not only is being lived by farm animals and therefore also farmers with farm animals earn to vegans, they must eat anyway!

11 months ago

You keep 3000 chickens for fun or what?

11 months ago

Just say that you didn’t understand his statement! 🤦🏽 ♀️ 63.4% keep farm animals but these 63.4% don’t live exclusively!

11 months ago

Almost all of the 63.4%. Nobody’s holding livestock for free.

11 months ago

Read out his statement again!

What the Greens do not tell you is the many farmers only animal husbandry

How many farmers live excl. of animal husbandry?

11 months ago

So the 63.4% of all farmers do animal husbandry is not much?

11 months ago

So many vegans? These are at most 10% of the population. It’s far from much for me.

11 months ago
Reply to  FranzJosef76

Maybe, but the 2% won’t make the cabbage fat.

11 months ago

All immigrants who love to emigrate rather than despise meat. Demand for meat is still high. You don’t think there’s any Greek restaurants in the morning, do you think? And if it is 10%, there is still a demand, where does this discussion lead?? In your life, you will not experience that no one eats chicken nuggets or a steak.

11 months ago

I don’t know where to buy. In the shops where I buy, there are vegan products, but the majority is still not vegan.

11 months ago

How long has this movement been? She won’t get much. Just because you buy vegan products, you are not directly a vegan.

11 months ago

It is proven that it is incredibly harmful…

Bullshit. Spreading main cause lies