Why are East Germans so poor?
They own little wealth and shares
They own little wealth and shares
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Up or down?
Is that so??
I know some who have more than me 🙂
The Eastern salary is still significantly lower today, aldi, lidl and co call the same prices and energy suppliers often even higher prices.
After 40 years of socialism there were no more relevant inheritances after the turn.
So where is the wealth build-up for the vast majority?
Because wage levels in the east are much lower.
The wage difference East/West is greater than that of man/woman. Nevertheless, the latter is mentioned 10x more in the media. By the way earning in East women more than men. The difference man/woman is therefore a West German problem.
If you don’t get over the rounds financially because of the few wages, you don’t have any money to invest in shares.
Because the academics often move away because of the better jobs. The low wage earners and pensioners remain the rest.
Studying is also difficult when coming from rural regions of the East. So you have to pack the bags when you’ve done a good Abi. Or you swing.
They also earn less on average.
I’m also an East German, I still have shares, house and court.
Because of the pressure columns from the West.
You’re right