Wieso sind die israelischen Geiseln so fröhlich?


die habe noch alle Gliedmaßen

wenn die so verstört gewesen wären, dann hätte man sie zu nichts zwingen können, sicherlich nicht dazu so zu reden

die wurden festgehalten ja, aber nicht schlecht behandelt, wieso wird das behauptet?

Die konnten sich sogar schminken

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1 month ago

they have all the limbs

Sure, otherwise you have a worse negotiating base…

if they had been so disturbed, then they could not have forced them to speak so

they were detained, but not badly treated, why is that claimed?

They could even melt

Make up has been used for centuries to conceal miracles, etc., is now nothing new…

By the way: Social Media is NOT a reliable source, please agree to media competencies.

1 month ago

That’s what Hamas wants people to say.

They give them some drugs, threatening them to be cheerful, giving them more food and let them shower.

1 month ago

Surely they were treated badly. Or do you call being held in the dark tunnel for months differently?

The hostages will never tell the full truth.

1 month ago

You’re going into any propaganda, aren’t you?

Instagram as a source. :

grow up. You can’t be taken seriously.

1 month ago

Because the Palestinians force them to do so.

A hostage told them that Hamas would have forced them to turn around again at the time of the handover and kindly win.

What inhumans.

1 month ago

Why are the Israeli hostages so happy?


they have all the limbs

If you don’t realize that you give the reason yourself, no one can help you understand. 🤷

1 month ago

They were not treated badly, only partially killed.


1 month ago

Because they’re in freedom again?