Wieso sind chinesische Städte so hochmodern?

Obwohl China offiziell nur als Schwellenland gilt.

Wieso wird China überhaupt als Schwellenland gelistet. Es ist immerhin die zweitgrößte Volkswirtschaft der Welt und in vielen Bereichen weltführend.

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2 years ago

In my personal opinion, China’s development is still underestimated.

I call here just one example, here is a short video at Youtube:

The short video is from the small Chinese town of Tianshui of the province of Gansu (this province still counts as one of the poorest provinces of China) throughout the west of the country, that is, in the deep hinterland of China:

(Chinese you don’t need to understand, it’s enough to just watch the short video)


Nevertheless, there are modern, brand-new trams, city rushes, buildings such as courthouses and infrasturkturen such as roads, bridges etc.

If even a small city in one of the poorest provinces in the deep hinterland of China now looks like the other parts of the country would look like, you can imagine.

I was the first time in China in the middle of the 1990s and I am here for professional reasons: The country is no longer recognizable in comparison to the time. Clean roads full of modern cars and everywhere snowy skyscrapers in height even in deep hinterland.

If we don’t take great care, we are the emerging country in at least one generation … This is the consequence for us: reintroducing conscription and education, education in STEM subjects.

We need a government with a vision, but I have little hope right now. There are people like Schmidt, Kohl, Strauss and Genscher. The Chinese are overtaking us in almost all areas, and we are discussing quotas, gender and other nonsense.

Everyone who looks a little over the edge of the plate realizes that we can’t go on.

2 years ago

Many cities in China are only a few years ago or even recently abandoned and expanded. This, however, only slightly changes the fact that far parts of China are rural areas, often also poor.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zalla55

“that wide parts of China’s rural area is often also poor”

You just don’t know how many parts of China are.

I call here just one example, here is a short video at Youtube:

The short video is from the small Chinese town of Tianshui of the province of Gansu (this province still counts as one of the poorest provinces of China) throughout the west of the country, that is, in the deep hinterland of China:

(Chinese you don’t need to understand, it’s enough to just watch the short video)


Nevertheless, there are modern, brand-new trams, city rushes, buildings such as courthouses and infrasturkturen such as roads, bridges, state-of-the-art hotels with hotel rooms, etc.

If even a small city in one of the poorest provinces in the deep hinterland of China now looks like the other parts of the country would look like, you can imagine.

2 years ago
Reply to  Norbert981

Agreed. My idea is still too much of the Mao time 😳

2 years ago

China is a big country. A very big country. There are more prosperous regions and less prosperous regions. Not all cities are state-of-the-art. There are still regions where people live at the minimum of existence, although in recent years the state has expanded the infrastructure etc. throughout the country and there are many aid programmes for those in need.

2 years ago
Reply to  Noidea333

Nevertheless, I believe that China’s development is still underestimated more or less.

I call here just one example, here is a short video at Youtube:

The short video is from the small Chinese town of Tianshui of the province of Gansu (this province still counts as one of the poorest provinces of China) throughout the west of the country, that is, in the deep hinterland of China:

(Chinese you don’t need to understand, it’s enough to just watch the short video)


Nevertheless, there are modern, brand-new trams, city rushes, buildings such as courthouses and infrasturkturen such as roads, bridges, very modern hotels and hotel rooms etc.

If even a small city in one of the poorest provinces in the deep hinterland of China now looks like the other parts of the country would look like, you can imagine.

2 years ago

In many cases the classification as developing or emerging countries is a political ranking, the most rich countries in raw materials, see Africa or South America. Yes, Venezuela, the oiliest country in the world had to even import oil! – That’s what you see in personal handlingthat everyone who projects over another is somehow devalued to get out with him. This may also China It is true that one is asking its technological independence, then again its political leadership, because it cannot be overlooked and overlooked elsewhere.

2 years ago

Because most cities are not 100 years old, or at least large parts of them!

7 months ago

It wasn’t always that way.

2 years ago

There are some cities there like Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen that are very modern and the rest is not.

2 years ago
Reply to  steefi

“which are very modern and the rest is not”

Hmm, again:

I call here just one example, here is a short video at Youtube:

The short video is from the small Chinese town of Tianshui of the province of Gansu (this province still counts as one of the poorest provinces of China) throughout the west of the country, that is, in the deep hinterland of China:

(Chinese you don’t need to understand, it’s enough to just watch the short video)


Nevertheless, there are modern, brand-new trams, city rushes, buildings such as courthouses and infrasturkturen such as roads, bridges, state-of-the-art hotels with hotel rooms, etc.

If even a small city in one of the poorest provinces in the deep hinterland of China now looks like the other parts of the country would look like, you can imagine.

2 years ago
Reply to  Norbert981

Good video.