Wieso setzt sich nie jemand im Bus auf den Sitzplatz direkt hinter dem Busfahrer?

Die anderen laufen vorbei obwohl der Bus voll ist. Ich setz mich gleich hin wenn der frei ist, ist der irgendwie für bestimme Menschen vorgesehen (Behinderung oder so?)

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2 years ago

is somehow intended for certain people (prevention or something?)

so it was at least earlier and it will probably still be today – it was asked to clear this seat if a person is obviously physically restricted, a person affected by the severely disabled card asked/requested.

https://www.eu-simplification.eu/index.php/heavy disability/1013 contribution-20190404-02

2 years ago
Reply to  wilees

Then you could still move your ass away. That was at least my time…

2 years ago

Is he, but also in the case of disabled people, unpopular because you always look at the driver’s back or any complaints.

2 years ago

Although these seats are not explicitly intended for disabled people, they are not so attractive because one has a restricted view. You have this darkened pane on your face and many people don’t like it. You prefer to look around the bus without turning your head and therefore these seats often remain free.

2 years ago
Reply to  FreshGrades

Sure! Then you always have your seat. If I always go to work, the same guy is sitting on this place. And his special always sits on the right front place.

Some like the place, but most of them don’t.

2 years ago

I’ve never seen DFas before. The place is always occupied by people who are uninterrupted on the smart phone or tablet.

2 years ago

I think you have a “wall” in front of you and can’t look forward? I’m not driving a bus.