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Because I’m too awake. I arrived on holiday, an hour ago only in the present Domizil, still snuck with my partner and will still do yoga while he goes the last gassi round with our female. Before midnight, there is no light here anyway.
I am not tired of night active 😅
I’m a little tired, but I don’t want to sleep yet and have to do some little things.
I can’t sleep for days. I’m not going to sleep until tiredness comes up, so I can get at least a little sleep.
Earlier than usual during GF nodded and just woke up again.
Can’t sleep because I can’t breathe.
Dose? What’s going on?
Nose and throat pain 🙂 I’m sick
Hey, put a little upright and open the window. This has helped me a lot:)
Thank you.
Thank you
From me also good improvement
It’s a real thing.
Thank you:)
Mies, I was a short time ago. Good improvement!
Because I just saw the finale from the jungle camp.🐍🕷️🙈
LG Maike
Haha never looked
Because I still hear music.
LG Zitro 🍋
Because it’s just about 23.
Because I’m bad about hunger 🥲 and can’t sleep 🥲
Oh then eat something
May I not:’) have a stomach reflection tomorrow
Ah, okay.
Because I didn’t have to leave 90 minutes ago and now I have to go down.
see jungle camp
I’ll go to sleep all right
I have a lot of
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Hello na am SB
I’m free
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Yes the wrong one won…