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1 year ago

When older people meet for coffee, they try to overrun with horror stories about their diseases.

When mothers meet for coffee, they try to exaggerate with horror stories about their birth experiences.

But yes, child wars are at least exhausting to very painful – if it were easy, the men could. Woe comes from hurt. If a birth was unnoticed, many children would probably come to the world without medical help and care at Aldi.

The “nature” probably did not provide so much pain at first – this is a product of the Evolutuion.

For the birth pain, the upright gang is responsible, which has led to a narrow pelvic and thus to a narrow birth channel. The increasing intelligence, on the other hand, led the babies to a larger brain and thus larger skulls. The result is a truly painful compromise.

Happy for you!

1 year ago

The baby is in most cases as soon as it is birth maturity as large as a watermelon. And jz imagine you’d have to push a watermelon out of you. No wonder it’s painful.

I felt like you’re stabbed with a knife.

1 year ago

When you look at what happens, the pain is hardly surprising. But I also wonder why nature hasn’t set it up differently than with these extreme pain. Do you think all the lively mammals have?

1 year ago
Reply to  filmfan69

I’m just wondering.

But would the smarter “roll” be swapped if men were able to squeeze out of themselves instead of women.

1 year ago

With regard to the role element child wars, the roles would definitely be interchanged. Whether beyond….can be, it can’t be. It’s a very fictitious thought. I always found this unjust as a child that we can’t get men kids.

1 year ago
Reply to  filmfan69

Yeah, very likely. See if you observe animals at birth

1 year ago
Reply to  filmfan69

Not only mammals, also eating vertebrates, especially birds, are very likely not pain-free.

Lucky we don’t lay eggs, they’d be massive.

1 year ago

I just know what my mother and grandmother told me. They’ve said something like that always comes to the child. With my mother, it hurt very much when I came out and my brother even had to get them out at Kaiserschnitt. My grandmother said it didn’t hurt her two kids at all. That she “ didn’t feel” and that “they just slipped out” But I think that can hurt a lot. Especially because the vagina is stretched very strongly.

1 year ago

the apple. It was that apple.

1 year ago

have you ever looked at the size of the head of a mature child compared to the diameter of a woman’s pelvic ring?

if so, then don’t ask why it hurts!

1 year ago

Have you ever seen the head of a freshly born and then the comparison is built like ours?

What’s so painless?

I’m not even a mother, and you usually learn something like that in school, you better watch it as stupid.

1 year ago

I would formulate more carefully at your point. Your last sentence can easily be read as if you were subordinate to the questioner, not to watch and to make nonsense. If you really mean that, this is disrespectful, and you shouldn’t be on GF.

At my time it was only explained that it is painful and not, WARUM. I don’t know if that’s the same today.

The FS asked a question that interested him. I think that one should simply answer it in fact or turn to the next question.

1 year ago

Sensual question!

Try to push a tennis ball through a bottleneck.

Nothing else is a birth!

Ever seen the size of a baby?

And this must be through the pool/through the vagina!

Man, man, man,…

1 year ago

You’re pushing a whole man out, how is that pain-free?