Wieso reagiert der Mensch auf fast jede Droge ähnlich?
Der Mensch kennt anfangs keine Drogen und braucht sie nicht. Sobald man sie jedoch genommen hat und ein Problem hat ist es fast immer ähnlich.
Der Körper will keinen Entzug
Man kann ohne die Droge nicht richtig funktionieren
Man zittert und hat schlechte Laune
Der Körper kannte diese Scheise doch zuvor auch nicht. Und dabei ist fast egal ob es Nikotin, Alkohol, Crystal oder sonstiges ist
Because drugs work in the brain and in the central nervous system. There the organism gets used to it and it comes to withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol and benzodiazepines act, for example, in the GABA receptors in the synapses. Nicotine acts in the acetylcholine receptors, etc…
Even psychopharmaceuticals, such as antidepressants, e.g. from the SSRI group (e.g. sertralin), can lead to unpleasant absorptive symptoms if they do not become absorptive (stepwise absorptive) since they act in the brain and in the central nervous system (serotonin receptor).
Many drugs cause physical withdrawal symptoms (fighting, sweating, trembling, etc.)
This is called physical (physical) addiction. But there are also many drugs that make “only” mentally addicted and have a low addiction potential. These cause a psychic desire (psychic addiction) without physical symptoms (e.g. LSD, Magic Mushrooms, etc.)
LG 👍
It is so that all serotonin-increasing depends.
Nicotine, alcohol and crystal meth increase serotonin.
In nicotine, it is acetylcholine agonism, in alcohol at GABA agonism and in Crystal Meth, because it simultaneously increases serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, norepinephrine serotonin is also increased and thus the ratio serotonin increase to dopamine ereh 2:1.
You don’t know the WHO definition of the word ‘droge’.
Every person produces and metabolizes endogenous drugs, such as adrenaline, serotonin or melatonin. You too.
You don’t think you can work properly without drugs, and you just have the impression that you can’t do without drugs?
Exactly. Therefore, the above statement is also illogical.
Because the drug docks with identical receptors in all people.
However, the severity of dependence on drugs mentioned by you is very different and thus also the withdrawal phenomena