Wieso passieren in letzter Zeit so viele Flugzeuge Unglücke?

Wir haben erst Januar und es sind etliche Flugzeuge verunglückt weltweit.

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1 month ago

My feeling after not a misfortune but a terrorist cell

1 month ago
Reply to  poppedelfoppe

As if all aircraft crash through terror. Nonsense

1 month ago
Reply to  Smithyman

It’s terror for passengers.

1 month ago

What are you doing now? That’s not the point.

1 month ago

I’d say that your sentence proposal is far too long. When sitting in a crashing plane, no sheet of paper fits between thoughts and feelings. You don’t sit and think: Hmm, that feels like terror.

You’re just terrorized.

1 month ago

Then you could say “It feels like terror for the aircraft guests,” but not “it is terror for the aircraft guests.”

1 month ago

Yes, that is so with Latin: I go a lot from the original meaning of a word and not as it is used at different times.

And “Terror Feeling” is the best description for me, what I would feel, in a crashing plane.

The word terrorism is strange anyway. This is only applied to the deeds of certain people. If the so-called “goods” commit the same deeds and worse, it is not called terrorism here in the West. And if the countries concerned call terrorism, the “anti-Western attitude” will be negatively classified.

1 month ago

Terror is a targeted means of proliferation, linked to a political intention or an ideological background. This is the key point! A plane crash is a tragic accident that can happen due to technical problems, human errors or natural events. Terror, on the other hand, is deliberately and systematically used to shock, manipulate or exert political pressure. A plane crash, as terrible as it is, is not a terror, but an accident that no one deliberately caused. In contrast, there is a terrorist attack, which is carried out from a clear political or ideological motive, such as the 9/11 attacks. Well, just because an incident spreads terror doesn’t mean he’s terror.

Your Latin won’t help if you don’t understand the difference!

1 month ago

I call ‘Terrorism“ originates from Latin and is called “terrorism”

1 month ago

No, that would be the wrong wording.



Noun, masculine[der]

  1. [systematic] spreading fear and terror through violence (especially to achieve political goals)

Bloody Terror

Two. Forced, pressure [by force application]

‘The Secret Police Exercise Terror’

1 month ago

Wouldn’t you experience terror in your interior when you’re in a crashing plane?

1 month ago

No, even for passengers, it’s just a disaster. Terror is clearly defined.

1 month ago

Statistically random events are never evenly distributed. Or would you expect ACHT MAL to come back in the coin? We look at the reality of your expectations.

Or do you want to construct relationships between USA and South Korea? Alu hat?

1 month ago

This year?

In larger incidents, only the fire at Air Busan occurs, but fortunately everyone survived and the collision today in Washington.

This is tragic, but a very small number of incidents compared to the size of global air transport.

1 month ago
Reply to  Hellomehelp

Please don’t be so disrespectful, we’re just trying to help.

With such a handling, you don’t have to expect any respect for our part.

1 month ago
Reply to  Hellomehelp

Yes, it should be accurate if you try to use statistical data.

1 month ago

Please with proof, otherwise we can easily understand/check.

I don’t think they’ll be more common.

1 month ago
Reply to  1akob

Look at yourself instead of answering anything and thinking and knowing there is still a difference. I don’t know what planet you live on, but there have been more recent incidents on the planet Earth.

1 month ago
Reply to  ReiskocherXL

Go cook rice, that’s your only function.

1 month ago

and another meaningless comment.

1 month ago

There are exactly two aircraft accidents (and they are in no relation to each other) and in South Korea an A320 is burned down at the pushback. Now talking about a massive gradation is probably wrong in the place.

1 month ago

Was an a321

1 month ago

What do you mean? There has been an accident in Washington DC with 64 passengers so far.

In 2022 there were 16 accidents with 233 dead.

So where’s the problem?

1 month ago
Reply to  AlexausBue

The OP also plays in South Korea and Russia, although they were not 2025, but in a short time.

1 month ago
Reply to  AlexausBue

A few hours before the disaster in Washington, an oil company plane crashed in South Sudan, 19 dead. I suppose he thinks that?

1 month ago
Reply to  Hellomehelp

Then everything is on average and not a stale rise.

1 month ago

Well, it’s been a couple more in recent years but it’s just overthrowing airlines that are not well rated so I don’t mean as well known as Lufthansa or Condor

1 month ago

every year there are about 1.000.000 car accident deaths of how “many” did you get something? 🤨🤔🥴

1 month ago

Do you have any data / statistics the evidence that it is “Many”.

1 month ago

you certainly have examples of

not just a phrase

why so many accidents happen on the road, in the household etc

in traffic up there still quite little