Wieso nimmt er mich nicht ernst?

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Ich habe seit einigen Tagen Zahnproblem und mir ist beim Essen ein Stück vom Zahn abgefallen. Dann haben mein Mann und ich mal nach den Ursacheb geforscht und es ist herausgekommen das Stress eins der größten Ursachen dafür sein könnte. Ich hatte sowieso seit mehreren Wochen mit Überforderung zu tun und habe mich meinem Mann gegenüber geöffnet. Er belächelt alles und nimmt mich nicht ernst.

Ich mache morgens die Kinder fertig, fahre jeden Tag hin und zurück Kita (40 min) gehe einkaufen, koche jeden Tag frisch, bereite die Brotdosen vor, mache den Haushalt und arbeite ein paar Stunden von zuhause aus.
Übertreibe ich wirklich und zerbreche an jeder Kleinigkeit? Er arbeitet Vollzeit und arbeitet nach seiner Arbeit nebenbei für seine eigene Firma. In der Zeit kümmere ich mich natürlich um die Kinder.

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5 months ago

He pays tribute to your activities and places his work in the foreground.

The greatest humiliation is that he smiles at you.

Your tooth problem is a health problem, because it’s broken down a bit, go to the conscientious doctor next week. It cannot be pushed to the psyche.

If you get so little appreciation, a clear debate is necessary, it cannot go further.

If everything doesn’t help, you can go to a marriage therapy if he doesn’t want to roll everything on Dicb and don’t want to go along.

Good for you.

5 months ago

I’ve been busy for several weeks, and I’ve opened myself to my husband. He smiles everything and doesn’t take me seriously.

He’s not responsible for your feelings!

I finish the children in the morning, go back and forth Kita (40 min) go shopping, cook fresh every day, prepare the bread cans, make the household and work a few hours from home.

Yes Top!

He works full-time and works for his own company after his work. In time, of course, I’ll take care of the kids.

Perfect. Works!

I’m sure he would probably do something else, but it’s not about you anymore…

5 months ago

What exactly do you understand? He doesn’t take you seriously because he’s not responsible.

5 months ago

I don’t think you’re exaggerating.

If talking doesn’t help, then you can try it with therapy 🤷 ♀️

5 months ago
Reply to  Coco4660

You. He has no problem.

5 months ago

I don’t think your husband’s harassing you because of your stress, but rather about your thoughts of bringing down the tooth with the stress. And you probably believe in it yourself. Of course, you can’t blame him, can you?

So the situation was a bit funny, though not at the moment for you. But it certainly wasn’t the right time to really talk seriously about your so-called stress, so I wouldn’t take that personally at your place..

Of course, you have a lot of work, with children, household and also home office, but in general you probably don’t work more than your husband, just differently, although not everything has to be stressful.

It might be good if you take things from your husband’s point of view, even he works a lot, but maybe doesn’t talk about stress.Stress has different sides and every person might understand something else. Normally, time pressure is pure stress when you have to create something, but time is not enough. As is often the case with services.

A woman’s mother is always very much work, but if you wanted children, you should not see them as a stress, but be proud that they are mostly living by you. A service that is not to be paid with money.

Sure, kids can be annoying, but when they stress you do something wrong.Sometimes another visibility helps to feel a bit better. I’d like her.

5 months ago

Because of stress, no part of the tooth breaks off? 🤔

To the rest: Every person is different stress-resitent. And taking care of children, household and co is just as much work as a job. Just that you don’t get paid, the environment is more strenuous and you never have a party. So, of course, it’s completely normal that you’re stressed. Just when you have to do it on your own.

My advice would be that you sit down and you tell him alone that it hurts you if he doesn’t take your feelings seriously and you need emotional support from him. And consider how to reduce stress together. Zb household help, he takes care of the children every day for an hour (they also need time with the father) and in time you just relax. And you could get a babysitter once a month and make a nice date night.

5 months ago

Really? I’d go to the dentist and hear what he says. “Simply so” do not break teeth.