Wieso musste ich von Graß Kotzen und wurde Bewusstlos?
Hab nicht mal viel gesmoked, war davor auch schon häufig high, aber es hat so gescheppert. Kann es vlt sogar sein, dass das kein reines Graß war? Das war wirklich unmenschlich wie doll ich stoned war. Hab zwischendurch in anderen Welten gelebt, dachte ich wäre Mario und sowas. Währe es nicht sooo extrem könnte man das ruhig mal wieder machen.
Was meint ihr, was das für Graß war?
You cannot be sure to confirm or exclude that cannabis was perfect. Maybe you just inhaled too much.
With concrete suspicion of synthetic cannabinoids, you could have the stuff tested here free and anonymously: https://legal-high-contentstoffe.de/en/testen.html
General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
Since you certainly don’t buy your grass in the pharmacy and nobody controls the exact ingredients or their concentration, this is of course always a bit like Russian roulette.
I think, however, that our body always reacts somewhat differently (even to the same substances).
Depending on the physical and psychological condition you are currently, whether or not you have eaten or drank before, whether or not you may just brew a flu (or other infection) etc.
What has always been known for a long time is that today some genetically modified grass with an extremely high THC content is circulating. This will certainly not remain without any side effects. Even if it is pure grass without stretching.
Definitely stretched..