Wieso mögen IT-ler (Entwickler) Excel nicht (Excel ist keine Datenbank)?
Wieso mögen viele IT-ler (SW-Entwickler, etc) Excel nicht (und sagen so etwas wie Excel ist keine Datenbank)?
Was ist das Problem damit, das Tool hat eine niedrige Einstiegshürde, und für viele der Aufgaben gibt es auch nicht immer ein einfaches ersatz tool.
Manchmal müsste man was neues Lernen, oder gar etwas neues Entwickeln -> Excel ist vielseitig einfach und löst es.
Und sogar als einfache “Datenbank” mit simplen Abfragen, die jeder ohne Entwicklungskentnissen clicken kann ist damit machbar.
Because it’s not a database. The amounts of data that are incorporated in huge Excel tables are much too much. For this, there are simply better tools that better meet the requirements.
It’s okay to start. But if you have large amounts of data, where Excel simply works, and if you like to crash, you should also realize that this entry-level program also has limits and you need something else.
This is bullshit, IT-lers also find Excel excellent.
But it is definitely not a database. This has nothing to do with badly, that’s just a fact. Excel and databases have a completely different use case.
Try to access your Excel with more than one person simultaneously. Then you know why you use a database and not Excel. And this scenario is no exception but the rule. Thus, a DB is preferred in the company context.
Sharepoint… no problem.
How is this going to be easier on a DB?
And no – since where Excel is used it is not the rule (I do not say that you would be there where else DBs are now going to listen to Excel :D)
In my first internship I heard the following saying: “Excel can do anything but nothing right.” I think that’s pretty good.
Excel is not a database because Excel works differently than a database. Some essential drawbacks that Excel has is that data is stored directly in a file and that only one person can access it at the same time (I leave the web version out and refer to the desktop version only).
A basic principle of a database system is Physical and logical independence. Basically, this means that a user who wants to query, create, edit or delete a data set does not access the physical level of the database (i.e. the part that physically places the data on the hard drive), but is validated via a logical interface that processes the request (check rights, ensure integrity, etc.) and then internally edits it.
Excel does not meet this requirement because you process the data directly.
I personally love Excel. It was my entry into the programming with Visual Basic.
Excel may imitate a database, but is not. Excel is used as a database because you can apply many functions and formatting to the cells. For SQL, you should know the syntax.
Because Excel is not a database. There is access in the MS-Universum.
What is now struggling when you listen to it, even more like being a database surrogate and not really having many friends. For what, the friends who have access, they love it hard and don’t let anything come on.
What is absolutely ok is often enough. Only if it were as horny as it is sometimes done, then Microsoft would not have the MSSQL server in the offer, which then, by the way, costs really bulkier if you want a little more.
To make it clear, I have nothing against access and find it very good for entering the world of databases, but it separates worlds of access and adult database systems.
… I’m afraid you understand something completely wrong. IT people don’t like it when trying to abuse Excel & Co as a database, as the attempt has to go wrong. Otherwise, I hardly know someone who works in IT and No Table calculation used.
“If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.” – Maslow’s Hammer
Excel is not a database. Excel is not a project planner. Excel is not a task list.
Of course, you can also represent all this in Excel. Even a 16bit CPU.
In the short term, you might even gain time and resources. In the long term, however, the missing features of a real database, project planners or task list will always be negative.
Or to think it in the other direction: Why do you write letters in Word and not in Excel?
Because this is true – Excel is not a database!
Excel is a spreadsheet program from Microsoft. That’s something completely different from a database.
You already mentioned the difference:
Table calculation program: A finished program for “normal” users who do not have programming skills. This allows calculations.
Database: System for structured data management. This is not a complete application program for a user, but in most cases only part of an application, a service or any other software product.
Completely different applications that cannot be compared to one another.
A few years ago, I had the pleasure of expanding an Ipad app from a customer based in QBasic(!!), having abused a .xlr as a database, and having misused all kinds of other crap, such as MS-DOS emulator, any DOS drivers, WebViews, which served as a “adhesive”. At first glance, you did not look at this heap, which was under the hood, because the app worked astonishingly well and was able to keep up visually.
Where a will is, there’s a way. This must have been a stony way for those. But using Excel as a database is pretty ….
That’s when I kissed because everything was not an option. I had to reinstate a new feature in this tragedy…
Excel is generally unpopular among developers. Not necessarily the program itself, but the formats, because it is too cumbersome to integrate them somewhere and usually there are problems.
That’s a misunderstanding. IT learners are also aware that Excel (and its open-source alternatives) is a great tool.
Because Excel is not a database software!
Excel is a table calculation.
It’s just because it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.
Of course, you can also refer to other tables in Excel and create a small “database” via formulas or macros.
But Excel was not designed for what is then in poor performance and corrupt files that the IT-ler can iron out again.
There is Microsoft Access, a program that manages simple databases!
If you can Excel, access to Access is not difficult and you can consider the drawbacks of Excel when you use a “right” database for it.
I am itler – I like excel.
have various files in which I track different dinge. is I believe in many itler son spleen lists for all possible to lead.
but excel is simply not a database- says even wiki: spreadsheet program
What is a database?
A database is everything you can store data. However, this is also a text file or even the note on the desk on which there is a telephone number. How chaotic it can be, you might have noticed yourself.
In IT, however, databases usually refer to systems which, on the one hand, in file form, can also be pure text, contain data AND(!) also relate, output and evaluate these data on the request of the user. And there is Excel just somewhere in the middle, if at all.
Yes, Excel brings a lot of formulas, of which probably only 0.01 percent of people have actually understood what to do. But it is not yet a database in the sense of a database.
A database system also includes the fact that I am free to read and evaluate these data and to supply them to any subsequent entity. Yes, this goes with Excel and various language extensions for Java, for example, but in my opinion the primary meaning of Excel was always: take data, make the colorful and give me beautiful diagrams.
It should be clear that a good database system also includes transaction security and traceability. What does it take if three people are going to cheat on the Excel table and nobody wants to have been after it? And this also offers real database systems.
Above all, it’s really hard to say at least heavier than in an RDBMS at Excel: Customer X has married and is now called XY, fit me all orders since the date of marriage accordingly. It is also moved and has an additional common bank connection, so let the old data go on because perhaps not everything is paid yet, but new packages go to the new address with a new name and link it to each other.
I really see a few specialists sweating to make the handy in Excel.
Yes, database systems and Excel are both ultimately tabulated. But in Excel, the focus is more on the cell where a result of a formula is to appear, while databases are more about the lines and what their processing brings as a result.