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1 year ago

Salad oil does not consist of hydrocarbons, but the molecules are similar to hydrocarbons, and that is enough to ensure that the principle similia similibus solvuntur can strike.

More precisely, vegetable oils consist of triglycerides. These are molecules of form


and at first glance, this is not particularly hydrocarbon-like, because many O atoms appear. However, the radicals R are long carbon chains with typically 14 or more carbon atoms which do not carry any further functional groups, e.g. –CH2–CH2–CH2–CH2–CH2–CH2–CH2–CH2–CH2–CH2–CH2–CH2–CH2–CH2–CH2–CH2–CH2–CH3. Often a few double bonds are hidden in the chain, but in any case this looks very like a hydrocarbon.

For this reason, fats also have similar heats of combustion as coals, and therefore they store fat energy so well.

1 year ago

In addition to water, solvents may also be organic or inorganic substances which are liquid. In principle, the rule applies that nonpolar solvents dissolve nonpolar substances and polar solvents polar substances and ions. The process of dissolving consists in overcoming the grid energy. Exterior crystal molecules or ions of a substance bound by lower energy are dissolved out of the bandage and solvated by electrostatic interactions by solvent molecules and thereby stabilized.

Solvents and their properties in Chemistry | Pupillexikon | Lernhelfer

1 year ago
Reply to  pupsnase2

Heptan is very sensitive, so it dissolves so quickly in salad oil. Just ask for more questions.


1 year ago
Reply to  JuliJules357

Heptan is very sensitive

Sensitive in what way? So it’s always not light-sensitive…

And what does this have to do with solubility?

1 year ago
Reply to  JuliJules357

why should be sensitive