Wieso leihen Banken kein Geld für Aktien?
Ich möchte mir gerne von der Bank eine Millionen Euro leihen und das dann in Aktien investieren über 10 oder 20 Jahre. Damit mache ich da locker Gewinn und mehr Gewinn als die Zinsen Kosten durch den Kredit. Aber wieso machen die Banken da nicht mit? langfristig sind Aktien mega sicher bzw ETFs.
If you can put enough collateral to the bank, e.g., debt on real estate worth a million, then that’s not a problem.
The bank just doesn’t finance insecure things, with inexperienced people who don’t even want to know or see the risko behind your statement.
The bank does not see any collateral, high risk and high credit sum.
How secure are shares, you can see the example of Wirecard, who brought their frauds through several audited annual accounts… Or years like Corona, where everything has fallen and some companies, for example Tui, have still not recovered. So it can also run differently than planned.
yes I just buy 1 msci world etf. over 20 years safe!
Yes, the probability is relatively high that a profit is generated, which is also sufficient to pay interest. But it’s not safe. And the bank carries practically the full risk that this does not work. Because from other means, you would hardly have the chance to pay the loan back. And even though the bank bears a similar high risk as if the shares themselves are to buy, then they will get only a few percent interest per year from you? That would be a very bad business
Of course, the banks will be there if you have any security.
That you saw on Tiktok will not be enough for the banks.
An Allworld ETF can run even 5 years worse if the economy does not go up. Banks always need security, so they want to turn you a loan of 10 or 20 years.
Because stocks are not 100% safe. You can get a loan to your deposit. But the securities are assessed differently. You can assume that they are only 50%.
So for your “company” you need enough equity first.
I’m making it easy to win…
Some thought that when they borrowed their house for a securities loan… the shares were dropped and he had to sell the house and now lives in rent…just remember?
Shares can usually be borrowed with 40-50%.
So if you can add 500,000 to 600,000 additional collateral, nothing should be done to the project.
But then the FS would have to buy the shares once and then leave them to lie, or otherwise, with each change in the deposit, always obtain an authorization from the bank beforehand. If he wants to act properly, run portfolio care, etc., he can’t use it as a security.
So he should look for collateral of 1 million.
Never heard of Lombard loans?
Lombard credit in banking is the name for a short- to medium-term credit against the position of credit collateral in the form of securities pledged, Bank credits or moving things. The Pfandleihhäuser’s mortgage loan is also one of the Lombard loans.
However, your child’s millioneurowahn performance can be reduced again!
You don’t make it easy to win, and it uses a risk business, and that doesn’t like a bank.
If that were so simple, the bank would make this “business” yes.
Exactly….. and even in this, some banks and communities have already fallen badly on their nose!
Shares will only be borrowed at 40%. You’d have to bring $600,000.
It’s not safe for the bank to repay this amount of money plus interest. Such a sum is utopian.
clearly get the credit – if you have collateral at that level.
your shares fall and are worth nix, and then… the bank looks into the tube
Good idea, only you don’t have the credit for 1 million euros.
If you’re so sure, take 10000 euros of credit, you’re gonna make a profit, right?
Banks don’t borrow money to play lottery
What can you offer the bank as security?
If you have a property worth a million, a bank will also lend you money for a share speculation. [HALBE Million]