Why is there a longer waiting time when ordering from scooter shops?
It says online that it's delivered in approximately 1 to 4 days. We ordered something in the store that didn't arrive until the 38th calendar week. It can't be that there's a difference of up to 5 weeks. It was also the same size, etc.
The shops often buy only every x weeks from the wholesaler or manufacturer to get more favourable conditions.
If you want to have something faster, you need to buy online.
Yes, but you already pay a lot of money there you can expect for the price you don’t wait 5 to 6 weeks. And in the shop there was still VAT on the purchase contract.On the price tag there was not even that it is not VAT.I find it too bad you think it costs 317 € and then comes VAT and then you are at almost 400 €. And the seller also said it would be a good offer 😃without VAT vllt.
What you do with you is your thing. You’re not forced to buy here or there.