Wieso komm ich nicht in den Club rein?
Hallo, hab’s da schon 5 mal versucht. Mal mit meinen Kollegen, dann mit deutschen Kollegen die sonst auch immer rein kommen und dann mit weiblicher begleitung. In fast jeden anderen Club komme ich rein, nur in dem nicht. Die vortürsteher lassen mich immer rein, die meinen aber sie können nicht entscheiden ob ich rein komme. Der, der das sagen hat lässt mich aber nie rein, obwohl ich manchmal sogar auch mit Hemd usw. rein will. Will nicht alles auf die Rassismus karte schieben aber ohne ein wort mit mir zu wechseln, kann es ja kein anderen grund haben als mein äußeres. Ich kann ihn ja nichtmal fragen, aus welchem grund ich nicht rein komme.
Possibly from personal malice. He just doesn’t like you.
Or they don’t take foreigners. I didn’t even know what door handlers were (in female and looked pretty good). I thought he was just there and didn’t ask why.
One day I went out with my lord, and at once he was gone. They “obstructed” him behind me and didn’t let him in. Yeah, he had dark skin. Of course I went back. If I’m out with a man, I want to, and if a doorman wants to talk to me, he’s supposed to look for other guests who look good.
They don’t deserve you as a guest.
Maybe it’s not just the shirt. Hairstyle, beard, pants, shoes, posture. Too many chains and jewelry? The wrong aftershave? Ask your mates
I’m just young looking. Hair is cut every Friday, goat’s bart and on the clothes I care very much. A simple silver chain. You also have to say that is now not a ü30 club but also a club where from 20-30 everyone comes in.
Maybe the goat bar…😖
The goat bart currently carries any youthful, then the rest should not be in it 😂 but yes, can be. If they don’t care, it just doesn’t understand
If you don’t want to be in the club, you have to accept it. They have every right to decide who is allowed to go in and who is not.
Of course. I can’t do anything, I don’t understand.
Put your jacket down so you can’t see your explosive belt. 😄😅☹️
That’s what you know, you had to smuggle your 98k into the synagogues a few times, or how does yours come from?