Wieso klebt mein Klebeband nicht auf Backpapier?
Hi, ich habe vor kurzem ein DIY für Sticker gesehen, bei dem man ein Stück durchsichtiges Klebeband auf Backpapier klebt. Die Motive legt man dann auf das Klebeband rauf und klebt noch einen Streifen darüber. Dann kann man die Sticker einfach ausschneiden und wenn man sie aufkleben will, vom Backpapier lösen. Aber irgendwie klappt das nicht. Weiß jemand woran das liegen könnte? Mein Klebeband ist von tesa und haftet sonst ziemlich gut. Das Backpapier ist von Toppits.
This is because the baking paper has a coating. You can test if it works on the back. Otherwise try wax paper (the paper that is e.g. under printable labels)
Do you know where to get wax paper?
Since I often print labels I always have a few pages in the drawer 😜
as far as I know, there is DM or Roßmann.
Did you ever try to stick it on the back of the baking paper?
I don’t know, but Amazon is sure
Yeah, I tried both sides, and unfortunately it doesn’t work. I’ll definitely look past dm. Do you know if there’s wax paper at Bipa? Probably not?
This is the meaning of the baking paper. You’re supposed to have your sticker peeled off. Here, the adhesive on the adhesive tape should remain as best as possible.
Now, your band might get too good off the baking paper. Experiment a little with different types of paper and adhesive tape. Maybe you’ll find a combination that’s as good as the video.
Many DIY leads are also fake. Watch strange cuts or camera guides.
I can answer that.
Baking paper feels so strangely silky, not as rough as normal writing paper. This is because a very thin silicone layer is vapor-deposited on baking paper.
On this layer does not hold any adhesive in the world.
And in this respect, this product – a “backpaper adhesive tape” is nothing but customer overseaming.
But how did it work at DIY?
As so often – a fake video. There are also videos that bring a light bulb out of nothing, or cut Lego stones with a pointed pencil… All only Mumpitz 😉
In the comments of the video some have written that they have tried it and it was great
that already works – but you need another glue. a sticker album is not big anything else.
I do not find any confirmation, but only expressions of love and messages about the weather.
But the one that made it really makes a lot of DIYs that I’ve already done and she has seen it with these stickers and tried it out.https://youtu.be/hHF_wCd1dOU
Then you should look for uncoated baking paper. But if you still get your pastry in one piece, it will be questionable:D
Because baking paper is just so coated, that as little as possible sticks. This is the Means of baking paper.
And that also applies to the adhesive of your adhesive tape.🤷 ♂️
you need normal, double coated baking paper or a simple release paper as you use it for diamond painting.
or you take as a lower layer washhi tape.
but why such an upshot?
normal low-temperature adhesive labels do it too. They’re big enough for you to talk about it.
You then use the carrier paper as a support for your adhesive tape test.
and how do I get release paper?
I always use the carrier papers from my adhesive labels.
release paper is online.
or another baking paper. the brown.
and what is the problem with toppits?
but it was just toppits…
yes, that was the brand, but the baking paper was brown
you used toppits.
I used brown baking paper, but don’t work