wieso keine Verbindung mit paper-Minecraftserver möglich?
Moin, ich habe auf einem alten Office-PC mit paper einen Minecraft-Server erstellt, es gibt aber ein Problem, wenn sich mein Freund versucht damit zu verbinden steht bei ihm so etwas wie Zeit Überschreitung und Verbindung nicht möglich. Ich jedoch komme ohne Probleme drauf. Ich habe ihn auch auf die Whitelist gepackt, es hat sich nichts geändert.
Es wäre echt richtig Top wenn jemand weiterhelfen könnte
PS: Mein Internet ist sehr sehr gut, daran liegt es nicht. Und es wäre noch cool zu wissen wie ich mods auf dem Server installieren könnte.
LG. Erik
Hopefully nen Linux system that is secure and no age win 7 computer is a server(viewed from power supply)
Logs would be good but localy and external is a huge difference, localy is in the 0815 system all friends and family and everyone can ping on all devices in the network etc. but externally your buddy has to pass on to the router that leads him to the MC server.
Since we or I need at least more information about what you’ve done like which software system firewall configs etc.
Your server will be free as soon as it is unlocked, even if only your friend knows. There are more bots than people on the internet and enough that just scan every router whether what is open and a vulnerability is exested when you now open your server and someone who finds a vulnerability is in your local network.
Strong password at the user and for Minecraft make your own user who only has the right he needs and no longer.
Firewall settings like only Minecraft and SSH IN and OUT allow.
Unattended updates to always have current updates.
There’s so much you can do.
My tip:
So I made it a couple of days ago, but still thank you.
But a Linux isn’t there on the server because only one program runs on it, so I can take the computer as a Minecraft server. So it’s not a real server but just a normal windows computer.
For you more information:
I have a Fritzbox and I just released a port for the PC (25565)
And I don’t know if that kind of brings you something but to get to the server you just need my PublicIP and not my private.
Yes, the thing on Windows is the fixed vulnerabilities only on patchdays or their security updates and not directly so once a vulnerability is known the problem that can be exploited for days and weeks.
As long as you can bite the computer well, it can work but there is no reason why the majority of servers run on Linux.
To point with the port yep
But I’m aware that it’s possible for everyone because your IP is usable for everyone(there are enough pages the lists just on what’s going on(shodan io, for example, you can find at least thousands of Minecraft servers with vulnerabilities).
Keep your system up-to-date, insulate and make backups that would be my final word and you enjoy playing games
Many thanks for the tips and so on, I think I’ll deal with the topic Linux again and if I understood the “server” on Linux.
But again thanks to 🙂
Because you’re in the same network as the “Server” with your computer and don’t have to get to the “Server” only through the router’s firewall.
If you connect externally, the router’s firewall must of course have the required ports open and forward requests to the server on these ports.
Probably you did not open or forward the ports, which is why your friend is stuck to the firewall and then logically does not receive an answer from the server.
It’s not your internet. It’s just a connection to your provider’s network.
Can it be that you’re just dealing with how you can use this thing, but don’t waste a thought about how you can secure it against unauthorized takeovers? You won’t be able to access a server with the naked ass from the internet without even running only basic hardening. Then the server is not very long under your control and you must not be surprised if it delivers malware quite quickly – without your knowledge.
I didn’t think about the firewall. And as far as security is concerned, I haven’t done anything else except to install a security plugin since the Minecraftserver and/or the Addresses are not released by him, but is only shared among my friends.
This will not generally secure the server, that would only secure Minecraft before the player.
So the server is publicly released as soon as the one accessible on the Internet also knows other, gives enough bots to scan the internet(when you unlock it in the port public, for all and not secret)
Depending on the internet provider (vodafone via cable e.g.), it can also be that you do not have a public IPv4 address, but only DS-Lite. Then you have to do all this with IPv6, pre-set, your friends have an internet access with ipv6.
And how am I supposed to secure it? Is it enough when I enter the firewall that only certain IP addresses have access? So that all connections are blocked except those that are explicitly allowed